quick corner.....


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Blues v yellow, blue corner. Blue10 is standing with the corner, ball in the quadrant.
Manger shouts 'let NAME take the corner' (blue9).
Blue10 rolls the ball into play to blue9, I am expecting him to pick it up and place it in the quad and take the corner, but he turns towards the box and starts dribbling?

Man utd did one like this a couple of years ago, Blackburn also iirc.

A&H International
I saw one like this on a pitch next to me this morning. Don't know if this is right but these are my thoughts on it.
Saying ' Let n take the corner' is purposely trying to put off the opponent and try to trick them, so I'd make them take it again.
If there's no communication/it's not trying to fool the opponent then I'd let it go.

Probably the wrong thing to do, but that's what I'd do!
It falls under unsporting behaviour - verbally distracting an opponent during play or at a restart. Caution the shouter and retake.

However, common sense seems to dictate just ordering the retake with a quiet word in the shouters ear about what will happen if he does it again.
This happened to me at an academy game earlier this season - the player asked me if it was ok, I said yes as generally it's fine in law. However, as he stood over the ball, he shouted for another player to 'come and take the corner' which I felt was deliberately putting an opponent off verbally. I also didn't even see the ball move, so ordered a retake - cue the players of attackers not being all too happy!
The first reply was exactly my thoughts and what I did.
Had the boss not shouted what he did, I would have allowed it, and I actually did allow one in the second half.
Had a chat with the boss after the game. He admitted that he said it to distract and that it was just 'clever'. Itold h it wasn't clever, just unsporting. He disagreed, but heyhoo!
If it was a player saying that and you think it is to put off an opponent then caution. I don't like quick corners because the defenders can't win. If the Blue10 thinks he has taken it and the defender comes to close down blue9 then blue9 can pick it up and say he hadn't taken it but if they don't close down then they will say that they did take it. So IMO if I think that the team has taken it I will shout something like "corner's taken" then everyone knows, if they then pick the ball up then I would penalize for hand ball.
I'd argue that saying 'corner's taken' is wrong as you are effectively failing in your role as a neutral arbiter of the game. a bit like answering the question when a player asks if the keeper can pick the ball up when it isn't entirely clear if there's a 'back pass' issue.

not a biggy but not part of the referee's remit. In the example given, you can still penalise the blue 9 for handball if you, the referee, decide that the corner has been taken
But I think it is important here who shouted the instruction - in this case the manager. Just because the manager called for another player to take the corner, there is no reason they have to follow that instuction therefore a quick corner is valid in this case?

had the player shouted out to distract/fool the oppo then I would think differently...
It falls under unsporting behaviour - verbally distracting an opponent during play or at a restart. Caution the shouter and retake.

It's the manager.

For me it's okay, had one like that a few days ago. You just have to be aware on every corner that it might be happening because if you're not and they do it and you award an IDFK you won't be very popular!

Having said this, in the case of the Man Utd one I don't understand why they were penalised, the player told the AR.

It's the manager.

For me it's okay, had one like that a few days ago. You just have to be aware on every corner that it might be happening because if you're not and they do it and you award an IDFK you won't be very popular!

Having said this, in the case of the Man Utd one I don't understand why they were penalised, the player told the AR.


I believe he was penalised for unsporting behaviour, under deceiving an opponent, Rooney and Giggs behave as Giggs is walking over to take the corner.

Next time I see Darren at my RA I will have a quick word and just double check why he penalised but I think that's why
I believe he was penalised for unsporting behaviour, under deceiving an opponent, Rooney and Giggs behave as Giggs is walking over to take the corner.

Next time I see Darren at my RA I will have a quick word and just double check why he penalised but I think that's why
I don't know how play was restarted, but on this basis it would have been an IDFK to Chelsea next to the corner flag and a caution for Giggs and Rooney - did that happen? If it didn't then that shows inconsistency in their decision making.
I don't know how play was restarted, but on this basis it would have been an IDFK to Chelsea next to the corner flag and a caution for Giggs and Rooney - did that happen? If it didn't then that shows inconsistency in their decision making.

I'm not sure how play was restarted but next time I see Darren I will have a quick word