Quality of Prem refereeing

Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
Morning guys!

Been a while since I were last on, took a little hiatus from the game with a busy winter work period and a recurring knee issue ... Although everything looks to be in the up and hope to be 'back in black' as ACDC once said, very soon!

Anyway, as I digress ... Is it just me, and if if is then I have no doubt you'll all be hanging me from the closest crossbar by the neck using my whistle lanyard, but ...

Has the refereeing standards fallen dramatically this season? It seems that more and more often there are constant complaints about the refs, mostly o admit are typical managers (mainly Alladyce (yes I'm a hammer) or Mourinho) but there seem to be an awful lot of justifiable moaning

Anyone else agree?

Discuss ...
A&H International
I don't think so. The media hype machine fueled by manager finger of blame pointing = crazy pressure and unfair pressure on referees.

Any error (sometimes not even really an error) and the spotlight is on the ref! Imagine if players and managers came under such scrutiny?
So you do agree that mistakes are being made more often?

I'm not saying about the reasons - i massively blame the media hype and pressure
There has been a reduction in the general standard of refereeing in recent years, but I put that down to the loss of the more experienced refs (Webb/Halsey et al) who were all consistent and proven performers at the top level. A lot of the newer SG refs (Oliver/Pawson/Taylor etc) are learning on the job, so to speak so there will, almost by default be more mistakes.

Having said that, there seems to have been more 'major' mistakes this year, although this could be a fallacy created by the massively increased media scrutiny. Refs are operating under more pressure than ever before and mistakes will be more likely as a result. @SM is right though, just imagine if every player mistake was analysed in the same detail; I guarantee it would dwarf the number of mistakes made by referees.

The standard of refereeing will obviously fluctuate, but the standard will improve when certain refs who are not good enough for the top level are removed from the panel (Moss/Foy/Jones - IMO of course).
That's obvious ... They pretend they are BackStreet Boys!

'That's a booking Mr Terry, another foul like that and you'll be off ... When you're ready kicker ... Right lads where were we? 1...2...3 everybody, yeah rock your body, backstreets back alright! '