Promotion Seminar


Can someone enlighten me as to what happens at these things?

I have just got the date for me, 9th October..

Now, I know I have to do some sort of exam apparently.. as im moving for 7 - 6
The Referee Store
At mine, albeit 10 years ago now, I sat at Raunds town listening to Richard Beeby giving a talk, then sat an exam similar to what I took to pass the course in the first place
I sat my 7-6 exam in July, so most of the details are still fresh in the memory!

We had a brief introduction from the instructors, and sat the exam straight away. It's a basic exam covering every law, but be aware some questions are 'trick' questions and look for the correct answer in law, not necessarily what you would do in a game. I passed with 64/70 (35 questions worth 2 marks each) so I was pretty pleased with that! Everybody at the seminar passed the exam, so as long as you are confident with law knowledge you'll be fine.

After the exam the instructors went through a couple of aspects that will come up on assessments, such as Positioning + Movement & application of law, mainly focussing on recognising tackles and dealing with them. I presume every seminar is different though, so your one may be completely different to mine.

Good luck for October!
Nicely done!! You had any assessments yet?
Referee development is constantly changing and improving with more help available especially for those who aim to progress. Here in deepest Somerset we hold sessions for all level refs from L8 to 4 and cover various topics that challenge referees every weekend. Using different training methods and resources we try to put emphasis on coaching refereeing interest & development. Nbrs for promotion have increased this season here and we had 90 applicants for promotion from either Level 7-6 or 6-5 and 18 interested for level 4 nomination.

What's happening in your area?