Promotion in your first season?


RefChat Addict
I've only started refereeing this season.
Is it possible to go to level 6 in your first season??
I'm confident in my ability and have received some really good feedback from clubs I've had this season.
Is this achievable or am I trying to run before I can walk?
A&H International
First I'd like to ask why you would want to rush promotion? There is something to be said to take it slow and take in as much as you can learn as you can at each level. This may be a case of running before walking.
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I believe you have to do 12 months to be eligible to apply for promotion. And what Ryan said above.
Thanks. It was only an enquiry to see if it was possible that was all, nothing wrong with being ambitious I have years of experience as a higher league player and was hoping that the knowledge I have of the game reflects well in my refereeing and from the feedback I've received, it does. I'm a firm believer if your good enough then why not. I'm not fussed if it takes me a few seeasons, just wandered if it was possible. And it would appear not
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Absolutely nothing wrong with ambition mate. Just don't fall into the trap of thinking promotion is the only important thing - keep enjoying your refereeing and remaining open to all learning experiences on and off the pitch and the rest will take care of itself.
You can apply after one full season. There is nothing wrong with going for it if you think you are ready. There are a lot of people who will like to tell you you are moving too quickly. Typically, these will be people that couldn't get through that quickly when they tried to. You have to learn to filter advice as everyone thinks they're an expert. Filter this if you want!
sussex f.a. promotion scheme, 7 to 6. does it vary from county to county?

Level 7 to 6 Candidates:

1) Must officiate on 11-a-side Adult football – and Referee a minimum of fourteen (14) open age matches and a further six (6) 11-a-side matches, which can include Youth (U17 and U18 only) and Women’s matches during the Promotion Period which is from 1stMarch 2014 to 28th February 2015.

2) Achieve an indicative Assessment Mark of 70 or above on a minimum of 3 assessments.

3) Must attend at least one of the two published Promotion In-Service Training Meetings on Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at the SCFA, Lancing or Thursday 10th April 2014 at the K2, Crawley. Please note that failure to attend one of these meetings will mean that you will be removed from the 2014-2015 Promotion Scheme.

4) Must pass the required FA Laws of the Game test, at which you will be allowed three attempts; 1 of the 3 attempts will be available at the Promotion In-Service Training Meetings.
I applied after my first season but there was a problem with mine I wasn't getting any middles even with asking. I rushed into it big mistake and I'm now contemplating it for next promotion season but I might (hopefully) going to Uni so I'm unsure at the minute.
Is it possible to have promotion if halfway through the year I will switch to another county fa?
Also talk with your county RDO it is always good to have them help you in those situations