Premier league


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I’ve been watching a fair few premier league games over the Christmas period and i have noticed that when explaining decisions they use a lot of hand signals and talk for a lot longer than I talk and just wondering if anyone talks for a long time and if anyone knows what they could be talking about for so long? I briefly explain my decisions or just tell them to get on with it and I’ll say that no matter what you say, I’m not overturning it so get on with it, but they seem to use a lot of signals and talk for a long time. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
The Referee Store
I’ve been watching a fair few premier league games over the Christmas period and i have noticed that when explaining decisions they use a lot of hand signals and talk for a lot longer than I talk and just wondering if anyone talks for a long time and if anyone knows what they could be talking about for so long? I briefly explain my decisions or just tell them to get on with it and I’ll say that no matter what you say, I’m not overturning it so get on with it, but they seem to use a lot of signals and talk for a long time. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!

Bit of caution needed, setting self up for a fall by saying you will never change it

there will be a time your game is enhanced ten fold by overturning your own call

That aside, what you see on tv is about as relevant as a pub league player watching Messi etc. They might play with an object resembling what we will see on our pitches this weekend but thats about where the comparisons end.

Your method of, short, sharp, closed statements wont go far wrong at an early stage.