The Ref Stop

Pre match with captains


RefChat Addict
So I done my first open age game since moving north of the border this weekend just gone.
When i moved up, I thought I'd stick to youth football in order to get used to new area, and settle in basically. Done older youth mainly, with occasional younger ones.

Anyway, first open age game.

When in London, I was used to having club assistants, something I've never had up here (another reason to adjust with younger age groups as I'd have to change my style of refereeing a bit as although never relied on CARs, clearly they did help with ball in and out play and offsides more than not).

So I start off by asking captains names, introducing myself by my first name too and gave permission to use that name if they preferred, or ref is fine too. (For me, its a better way for them to talk to you as now it seems more like they're on your side rather than an opponent to you, even done this down south). I address them as such too.
I give them a short chat before coin toss which goes as following:
Guys, you don't know me and I don't know you when it comes to matchplay.
I will try and keep my cards in my pocket but if they must come out you're welcome to come and listen, but it is to listen only. I've already made my decision, you're not going to change it.
If I call you when talking with a player it's because I want you to help stop him from getting a card.
You also know you're players better than I do, so if you sense they're losing it, get to them before I do.
I'm happy to answer questions but only at full time so that there isn't any unnecessary stoppages (this is because either they will have forgotten or no longer want to discuss anything).
Then end it with, you've travelled, your call. Then flip the coin.

Literally takes no more than 20 seconds.

Game went perfectly. I get it may not always happen mind. Captains helped with their players, spoke with one and player accepted his talking to and had no further bother.

Would you not have said what I said, said it any different, maybe when introducing to the whole team maybe before coin toss stage?
The Ref Stop
So I done my first open age game since moving north of the border this weekend just gone.
When i moved up, I thought I'd stick to youth football in order to get used to new area, and settle in basically. Done older youth mainly, with occasional younger ones.

Anyway, first open age game.

When in London, I was used to having club assistants, something I've never had up here (another reason to adjust with younger age groups as I'd have to change my style of refereeing a bit as although never relied on CARs, clearly they did help with ball in and out play and offsides more than not).

So I start off by asking captains names, introducing myself by my first name too and gave permission to use that name if they preferred, or ref is fine too. (For me, its a better way for them to talk to you as now it seems more like they're on your side rather than an opponent to you, even done this down south). I address them as such too.
I give them a short chat before coin toss which goes as following:
Guys, you don't know me and I don't know you when it comes to matchplay.
I will try and keep my cards in my pocket but if they must come out you're welcome to come and listen, but it is to listen only. I've already made my decision, you're not going to change it.
If I call you when talking with a player it's because I want you to help stop him from getting a card.
You also know you're players better than I do, so if you sense they're losing it, get to them before I do.
I'm happy to answer questions but only at full time so that there isn't any unnecessary stoppages (this is because either they will have forgotten or no longer want to discuss anything).
Then end it with, you've travelled, your call. Then flip the coin.

Literally takes no more than 20 seconds.

Game went perfectly. I get it may not always happen mind. Captains helped with their players, spoke with one and player accepted his talking to and had no further bother.

Would you not have said what I said, said it any different, maybe when introducing to the whole team maybe before coin toss stage?

If by north of the border you mean Scotland, your intentions may be good but speak to your colleagues at local training....
You wont find a single referee who has that captains chat.
please feel free to prove me wrong,
If by north of the border you mean Scotland, your intentions may be good but speak to your colleagues at local training....
You wont find a single referee who has that captains chat.
please feel free to prove me wrong,
That would be Scotland, not many countries north of the border...
I actually can't attend any training events due to work, but then why would they not chat with captains or anything?
Do they just turn up, get changed, ref, then go home?
That would be Scotland, not many countries north of the border...
I actually can't attend any training events due to work, but then why would they not chat with captains or anything?
Do they just turn up, get changed, ref, then go home?

Association training is once a week, in some areas two diff nights
From mid Aug monthly meetings resume.
Training days, regional, are on sometimes a Sat morning, sometimes a Sun ( two of the key days and times we do matches, thus hopefully suitable time wise for most, as we would be officiating anyway)
Each ref association has a manager, a sec, a minor grades panel etc, all contactable by email and/or phone.

In short tho, yes. Turn up,get changed, ref, go home.

absolutley good practise during game if needed, in limited dose, to run past blue 5 and say, captain, tell your 7 to settle please.

who are you going to talk to when the captain plays up?
the captain gets sent off/injured after ten mins?
captains the gk and its centre forward causing you grief? and so on.

like anything if it works for you, great. I suppose thats the key issue
if your post tho is, is this the done thing where you are, its a resounding no
Your pre-match is fine in some situations but not necessary in others. In most of my games it's simple greetings and then the toss. It's either because I already know the teams and they know me, or because the captains are at a level who already know all that and don't want to be told (lectured) it again.

Mind you knowing it or being told does not mean they follow it.
Your pre-match is fine in some situations but not necessary in others. In most of my games it's simple greetings and then the toss. It's either because I already know the teams and they know me, or because the captains are at a level who already know all that and don't want to be told (lectured) it again.

Mind you knowing it or being told does not mean they follow it.
Players can be given the armband for the first time at any level. As long as it is as quick as the OP indicates then there is no downside.
So I done my first open age game since moving north of the border this weekend just gone.
When i moved up, I thought I'd stick to youth football in order to get used to new area, and settle in basically. Done older youth mainly, with occasional younger ones.

Anyway, first open age game.

When in London, I was used to having club assistants, something I've never had up here (another reason to adjust with younger age groups as I'd have to change my style of refereeing a bit as although never relied on CARs, clearly they did help with ball in and out play and offsides more than not).

So I start off by asking captains names, introducing myself by my first name too and gave permission to use that name if they preferred, or ref is fine too. (For me, its a better way for them to talk to you as now it seems more like they're on your side rather than an opponent to you, even done this down south). I address them as such too.
I give them a short chat before coin toss which goes as following:
Guys, you don't know me and I don't know you when it comes to matchplay.
I will try and keep my cards in my pocket but if they must come out you're welcome to come and listen, but it is to listen only. I've already made my decision, you're not going to change it.
If I call you when talking with a player it's because I want you to help stop him from getting a card.
You also know you're players better than I do, so if you sense they're losing it, get to them before I do.
I'm happy to answer questions but only at full time so that there isn't any unnecessary stoppages (this is because either they will have forgotten or no longer want to discuss anything).
Then end it with, you've travelled, your call. Then flip the coin.

Literally takes no more than 20 seconds.

Game went perfectly. I get it may not always happen mind. Captains helped with their players, spoke with one and player accepted his talking to and had no further bother.

Would you not have said what I said, said it any different, maybe when introducing to the whole team maybe before coin toss stage?
I did Environmental Science at Uni, so I'm more than happy to talk about Global Warming, any local seismic activity, or the soil type underfoot
The chances of the coin toss being heads or tails is roughly equivalent to the odds of me having a good game, so I avoid that subject...
or any other chitchat whatsoever