The Ref Stop



Active Member
Level 5 Referee
On Sunday during a all Premiership cup tie I patted myself on the back for being in the best position not once but twice to see the ball bounce just over the line. Had I held my original position on the edge of the penalty box whilst the ball was high up (free kick and a corner) I might not have given one or either goal but because I moved much closer to the goal line I had a clear view of line and ball. It was nice to give a confident decision and defending players could not argue (for long) as they could see from where I had made my decision.
I always alter my position for dead balls but wasn't adjusting/reacting enough until I read an article on here that made me think about it more.
The Ref Stop
'Closer to' rather than 'on' the goal-line :rolleyes:

Agree with you that it's easy to 'freeze' when the ball is coming in from the corner
At my module 5 last week they said we should position ourselves around the goal area for free kicks and corners. I did it in my game on Sunday and it takes off a lot of the pressure of relying on CAR's who may be biased.
Agree the positioning change is much better!