The Ref Stop

Playing in a dangerous manner

Dirty Harry

New Member
Just after some esteemed opinions...

If an attacker stoops his head down to around 'average' chest height in an attempt to head a ball in the penalty area and a defender, who is trying to clear the ball, makes contact with the side of the attacker's face, would you award a penalty?

Feel free to ask any questions that might have a bearing on your decision.

Much obliged...
The Ref Stop
So many factors to consider here....

1) Has the attacker stooped to a degree that he will be the one playing in a dangerous manner?
2) Has the defender made contact? If not, you'd be looking at an IFK instead of a penalty.

It's so difficult to give a definitive answer, I think it's one of those situations that has so many considerations for the referee to make before giving a decision. In this exact situation as you describe it, I'd say penalty.
So many factors to consider here....

1) Has the attacker stooped to a degree that he will be the one playing in a dangerous manner?
2) Has the defender made contact? If not, you'd be looking at an IFK instead of a penalty.

It's so difficult to give a definitive answer, I think it's one of those situations that has so many considerations for the referee to make before giving a decision. In this exact situation as you describe it, I'd say penalty.
These are the questions I would ask as well. It's a YHTBT situation
Just after some esteemed opinions...

If an attacker stoops his head down to around 'average' chest height in an attempt to head a ball in the penalty area and a defender, who is trying to clear the ball, makes contact with the side of the attacker's face, would you award a penalty?

Feel free to ask any questions that might have a bearing on your decision.

Much obliged...

Did the defender kick the attacker in the side of the head whilst making a challenge for the ball inside the area?
If yes, then unless the defender was looking away from where the ball/attacker's head was when he did it, then it's probably a reckless challenge and a definite penalty and potential yellow card.

We often assume that somewhat different "rules" apply when it's somebody attempting to head the ball but I've never understood why.
If a player goes to kick the ball and somebody's head is there - unlucky - don't make the challenge. We often hear "it's not the defender's fault the guy put his head there and got it kicked" which you can sometimes argue, but when do you ever hear "it's not the defender's fault the guy's leg was there and it got kicked" - it's always a penalty then isn't it? ;)

Like others have alluded to above, it's always difficult to try and view this situation fairly, but for me, if an attacker has the courage to put his head somewhere, he deserves not to have it kicked. :)
These are the questions I would ask as well. It's a YHTBT situation
It seems to me he's given the answer to both those questions already. The player's head is no lower than chest level so it would appear he has hardly stooped at all. He also clearly says the defender makes contact with the opponent's face. Sounds like a penalty to me.
Generally I'd argue the boot has less 'right' to be around chest height than the head does - even without the head drop it could potentially be PIADM. At this height I'd have a hard time imagining it being a foul against the player dropping his head.
The only other thing I'd mention is that if there if there is actual contact, PIADM is no longer an option. As stated in the LotG:

Playing in a dangerous manner involves no physical contact between the players. If there is physical contact, the action becomes an offence punishable with a direct free kick or penalty kick.
Need more info on the defender
Did he clear the ball and his follow through make contact?
What part of the defenders body made contact?
Many thanks for your replies. Both players went for the ball at the same time and, in my opinion, the only way the defender was going to get to the ball was by using his foot. My first instinct was that the defender didn't expect the attacker to use his head in the situation, but with hindsight (and based on your valuable feedback) I am more likely to give a penalty should a similar situation arise in future. Although contact was minimal, it was definitely made, so a penalty was the only option in the circumstances. Thanks again, one and all. Love you guys ;) x
These are always difficult ones, you'll get grief no matter what you give. If the head is half way down and the foot half way up the "safest" option is probably to just stop play because you are worried about a head injury and restart with a dropped ball.
Many thanks for your replies. Both players went for the ball at the same time and, in my opinion, the only way the defender was going to get to the ball was by using his foot. My first instinct was that the defender didn't expect the attacker to use his head in the situation, but with hindsight (and based on your valuable feedback) I am more likely to give a penalty should a similar situation arise in future. Although contact was minimal, it was definitely made, so a penalty was the only option in the circumstances. Thanks again, one and all. Love you guys ;) x
That being the only way the defender was going to get the ball doesn't mean he has the right to challenge it that way though :) (it's such a funny argument you often here when you give a foul....'he has the right to go for the ball ref!'....welllllll............). No doubt the defender didn't expect the attacker to drop the head, but oh well