The Ref Stop

Penalty run up


Level 8 Referee
Hi all

This is a very strange one...
How far away can the penalty takers run up be?
Can they only stay inside the penalty area / D area or can they run up as big a run up as they like ? I know this is unlikely but it doesn’t mention it anywhere I don’t think .

Thanks for your help
The Ref Stop
Not set in Law. Common practice is that it no more than 10 yards given the fact the way the FOP is marked.
And that the kicker is identified and that he does not get *lost* in *crowd*
I once saw a penalty on the web where the kicker identified himself to the referee, a team mate stayed in and placed the ball with the kicker walking back in the group of players at the D. When the ball placer left the D the kicker ran forward and scored. I suppose it was an attempt to distract / confuse the GK. In that case the run up was 10 yards.
I doubt this is going to challenge many referees as most players will not want to be "close" to opponents at the D for various reasons.
Use common sense (football expects/spirit of the game). Warn them against anything that can be considered USB.

There is nothing in laws for run up for FK's, GK,CK etc either. Yet you know if a keeper goes back 20 yards for a goal kick run up, he has something sinister in mind (time wasting?) It all comes down to common sense and proactive/preventive refereeing.

There was a recent discussion here for how far from the line can a trow in be taken too.

Somethings don't need to be in law explicitly. Keeper glove size. Length of grass... Law 18 covers them all.
No particular limit. Most go up to the D, a couple might go just outside the D (so up to 15 yards, maybe). Though given the opposing players have no obligation to move out of the way I can't see any reason for a player to leave the box to do so - but hey, if that's what they want to do......if they're up near the edge of the box, make sure the player identification is clear - even ask them to raise their hand
Not set in Law. Common practice is that it no more than 10 yards given the fact the way the FOP is marked.
And that the kicker is identified and that he does not get *lost* in *crowd*
I once saw a penalty on the web where the kicker identified himself to the referee, a team mate stayed in and placed the ball with the kicker walking back in the group of players at the D. When the ball placer left the D the kicker ran forward and scored. I suppose it was an attempt to distract / confuse the GK. In that case the run up was 10 yards.
I doubt this is going to challenge many referees as most players will not want to be "close" to opponents at the D for various reasons.

What, did the referee not use the whistle to start the penalty?
Yeah the ref blew the whistle as normal and he knew who was going to take the kick. Nothing in the law either to say that the kicker must place the ball!
Was the keeper aware of the penalty taker?
Law 14 says the kicker must be clearly identified.
I take that to mean to all and sundry including the defending GK. If the GK doesnt know who is taking it then imo that part of law hasn't been met.
Simulation for the original penalty appeal in the Blanco clip anyone??? :)
Not for me. Did he make sure the referee gives the free kick? Yes. Was the tackle careless? A bigger yes.

The reason he went down so easily is because despite the tackle being careless, there is a good chance the referee would not have given it had he stayed up. Don't blame him. Blame us.