Paris World Cup 2017

Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
So this year a colleague and i decided to embark on our first tournament and chose the Paris World Games.
I thought i would share my experience with you all.

We arrived late on Thursday 8th July after a 3 hour delay at Manchester Airport, we therefore missed the introduction meeting, but we bumped into a rep from Liverpool FA who we had met before we so we got all the info we needed and our travel passes. It was 35 degrees at 7pm at night, it was now that we realised we wouldn't need the long sleeve kits we had packed. We went for a meal that night with a chap from The Netherlands and two of his Belgian friends.

We opted for an upgrade for our hotel and stayed at an Ibis, we were put in a triple room with an Irish ref who got to know really well over the week and was an absolute top guy. The room was pretty basic and the area wasn't great, put it this way, you wouldn't want to stay there with your missus. But for two lads it was ok.
The food was ok, again nothing to write home about but it was decent enough. Your travel pass got you on the Metro (Underground) and although it took a day or so to get our head around it once you have it sussed it is good and very efficient.

First day we had a team from Iraq against a team from Zambia and followed by 2 teams from Paris. The difference in cultures was a bit of a shock and some of the play acting was laughable. We went on to do teams from Japan, Egypt, Jamaica, Canada, Saudi Arabia and Spain. We did either 2 or 3 games per day. We were observed by some excellent observers who gave us some great feedback, we observed by some not so great observers who gave us some terrible feedback.

The level of officiating was also very mixed, but we saw some very good officials. The Dutch are very good, very professional and our Belgian friend from the first night got the Under 19's line, well deserved.

I managed to get myself a final on the line for the girls open age final, of the 150 referee's their were 26 final appointments so i was very chuffed with that.

We climbed the Eiffel Tower (not advisable after 3 games, that is ALOT of steps), we walked the Champs Elysees and visited the Arc de Triomphe, we made new friends from all over Europe and had a proper laugh, a very good week.

I would definitely recommend reffing abroad!!
A&H International