Old fashioned email


Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
I had a caution in my game this morning and went to send it in by email and got sent an error message straight away. The email is in my sentbox rather than my outbox making me think it's been sent.

Anyone had this issue before and any tips on how to solve the issue?
A&H International
Telephone the person responsible for reviving the email? Make sure it went through okay?

As far as the technical side of email issues, tricky without being able see it, knowing what went wrong or being able to test it out. Worth getting a web based email account as a backup, hotmail or gmail (or both!) for those "just in case" moments.
If you really can't get the email away, then print it off and post it. As @Supermonkey said, contact the person who manages this to let them know that you're in the process of sending them the details.