Oh No... Here we go again


Level 3 Referee
Woke up to snow this morning and the ground is frozen solid.

Looks like no games for a 3rd weekend in a row
A&H International
Saturdays game was cancelled last night as one team couldnt field a team whilst I'm on daddy day care duties on Sunday....so a boring no games weekend
@Smudger - no snow here in West Essex - just still very wet - games off again here too - forecast is shocking for all next week / weekend too :(
I'm in Barking & Dagenham - but League(s) I'm on are quite spread out

My games in Chigwell tomorrow and Sunday are off - pitch not played on since early Dec !
My match has been changed to a 3G pitch so hopefully it stays on
Got three games on Sunday in the same place and half expecting them to get called off.
Very surprised got a call at 9pm from the home team to confirm the pitch has thawed and we should be all good for a 2pm kick off tomorrow...

So preparing myself for an 11am phone call lol
strangely enough got a call early yesterday morning to say pitch passed inspection, so I actually I had a game yesterday :D

although it was quite funny when we had a 20 min snow storm in the second half.

shame about this morning though, back to the games off with waterlogged pitches...