Steve C

The Unfit one!
Getting a tweet off of a famous person is always an overwhelming feeling. But oh my word I have just got a tweet about referees off the one, the only PAUL CHUCKLE FROM THE CHUCKLE BROTHERS!!!!!! AHHHH

Update: One of my tweets then got FAVOURITED by BARRY CHUCKLE!!!! AND (as if that wasnt enough), Paul Chuckle refers to me as a mate :OOO I am speechless!
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The Referee Store
I remember seeing the chuckle brothers at butlins as a teenager. We were outside their venue after their show (we didn't see it of course being too cool teens, but was told the kids present loved it), loitering before hitting the arcade. They came out to leave for their next gig or whatever and we gave them stick as you would imagine. Instead of biting back, they were very cool, funny and friendly, completely disarming all of us (we were a ****y bunch of oiks so no mean feat!). Changed my opinion of them completely.