Odd things you find on a football pitch - Part One

A&H International
I got my PADI at Thurrock (well, in the Lakeside lake to be precise). I met a young lad called Vardy...
Had to delay kick off once because of a drunken guy stumbling across the pitch shouting and ranting. One of the side's were in black and white stripes and the drunk was chanting some stuff about Newcastle. One of the player's told me to get rid of him and I told him that I wasn't having anything to do with him - the home team can get rid!
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may I add, I don't live in Thurrock - I live in the picturesque town of Harold Hill ... lol!

oh, the roadworks are mental ... Autumn this year they reckon ... can take up to 2 hours to do a 12 mile journey home (record so far is 8 hours)
may I add, I don't live in Thurrock - I live in the picturesque town of Harold Hill ... lol!

oh, the roadworks are mental ... Autumn this year they reckon ... can take up to 2 hours to do a 12 mile journey home (record so far is 8 hours)

Thanks for that...:rolleyes: