Observer Comments


New Member
Level 6 Referee
This wasnt my observation btw for clarification.
I was the lino for a ref who had an observer come down today as he is going for 5-4. During the pre-match talk, i tell the ref about the fact that Im deaf and if it rains I may have to take my hearing aids out and will struggle with hearing. I do go on to say that with heavy wind, I may also struggle. The observer comes in at this time whilst im mid conversation and asks what we're on about and so hes told. He is fully aware that im deaf and as are the other 2 officials.

Once the observer has finished his chat with us all and is about to leave, he says to me "did you hear all that then" and proceeds to laugh as if he thinks its a hilarious joke. I didnt fully hear what he said and when i dont hear, i tend to go along with the action of the person or answer yes or no. I laughed with him because I hadnt understood what he had said. When me and the other officials go out for the warm up, they tell me exactly what he said and it left a funny feeling in my stomach and didnt quite sit right.

They told me that I could report him for his comments and that they would back me as it made them feel uncomfortable also.
Im wary of reporting him because I dont know if me reporting him will damage any standing I have and potentially hold back my career as an official.

Any help or advice is really helpful as I am torn as to whether to report him or not.
A&H International
This wasnt my observation btw for clarification.
I was the lino for a ref who had an observer come down today as he is going for 5-4. During the pre-match talk, i tell the ref about the fact that Im deaf and if it rains I may have to take my hearing aids out and will struggle with hearing. I do go on to say that with heavy wind, I may also struggle. The observer comes in at this time whilst im mid conversation and asks what we're on about and so hes told. He is fully aware that im deaf and as are the other 2 officials.

Once the observer has finished his chat with us all and is about to leave, he says to me "did you hear all that then" and proceeds to laugh as if he thinks its a hilarious joke. I didnt fully hear what he said and when i dont hear, i tend to go along with the action of the person or answer yes or no. I laughed with him because I hadnt understood what he had said. When me and the other officials go out for the warm up, they tell me exactly what he said and it left a funny feeling in my stomach and didnt quite sit right.

They told me that I could report him for his comments and that they would back me as it made them feel uncomfortable also.
Im wary of reporting him because I dont know if me reporting him will damage any standing I have and potentially hold back my career as an official.

Any help or advice is really helpful as I am torn as to whether to report him or not.
The comment was unacceptable and should be reported, please.
This wasnt my observation btw for clarification.
I was the lino for a ref who had an observer come down today as he is going for 5-4. During the pre-match talk, i tell the ref about the fact that Im deaf and if it rains I may have to take my hearing aids out and will struggle with hearing. I do go on to say that with heavy wind, I may also struggle. The observer comes in at this time whilst im mid conversation and asks what we're on about and so hes told. He is fully aware that im deaf and as are the other 2 officials.

Once the observer has finished his chat with us all and is about to leave, he says to me "did you hear all that then" and proceeds to laugh as if he thinks its a hilarious joke. I didnt fully hear what he said and when i dont hear, i tend to go along with the action of the person or answer yes or no. I laughed with him because I hadnt understood what he had said. When me and the other officials go out for the warm up, they tell me exactly what he said and it left a funny feeling in my stomach and didnt quite sit right.

They told me that I could report him for his comments and that they would back me as it made them feel uncomfortable also.
Im wary of reporting him because I dont know if me reporting him will damage any standing I have and potentially hold back my career as an official.

Any help or advice is really helpful as I am torn as to whether to report him or not.
As a fellow hearing aid wearer I implore you to report the comment. It is wholly inappropriate to make a joke of a disability and this sort of behaviour does need to be challenged. I can assure you this will not affect your refereeing career.
I'm sorry this happened to you. In your report explain the words used, but importantly how they made you feel.
What it starts the ball rolling with is, he will be warned that the comment isn't funny and he needs to be more careful.

A learning point for this individual, and if he is a serial offender, he'll be dealt with appropriately.
Yeah, that isn't acceptable and if it happened exactly at you said he needs, as a minimum, some advice.
I agree with others that this has to be reported. It is completely unacceptable to make a comment like that.
I'd like to say the world is perfect but it isn't.

@JamesL I am not sure what your assurance is based on unless you know the people who would handle the report and the observer who made the comment. I am not making any accusations but there are no assurances in an imperfect world. Of course only my opinion.

@Fin the chances are your report is handled properly. However even if it isn't, any impact on you would not be a damage, maybe a bump or a detour at worse. The principal of respect for who you are and you standing up for it is far more important. There may be a small risk in some bump in your refereeing standing but well worth taking. Again in my humble opinion.
Definitely report it. He should get a serious charge against him from that.
Don't think it would be a serious charge, or even a charge at all, especially not if it is someone with a completely clean record. But he needs to be made aware that what he said isn't acceptable, and that "advice" should stay on record in case it happens again.

Most people at some point in their lives will make an ill advised comment, I've certainly done it, I didn't mean anything by it and as soon as I said it I realised it could be interpreted differently to how I had intended it. Unless it is at the extreme end of the scale education is the answer, not ending careers for one badly placed word or phrase.
Don't think it would be a serious charge, or even a charge at all, especially not if it is someone with a completely clean record. But he needs to be made aware that what he said isn't acceptable, and that "advice" should stay on record in case it happens again.

Most people at some point in their lives will make an ill advised comment, I've certainly done it, I didn't mean anything by it and as soon as I said it I realised it could be interpreted differently to how I had intended it. Unless it is at the extreme end of the scale education is the answer, not ending careers for one badly placed word or phrase.
Absolutely, I dont think he meant to make me feel uncomfortable with the comment. it was a shock as I do not know him at all and hes meant to be a professional so i do think he needs to be made aware of how what he said can be perceived even if he meant it in another way.
Im wary of reporting him because I dont know if me reporting him will damage any standing I have and potentially hold back my career as an official.
I can guarantee that this will not be allowed to happen. You should absolutely report this.
If he knew you were hearing impaired then the comment is out of order. There is banter, and there is a line where you decide where it stops. I would certainly consider reporting it.