No cards in a game

Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
I have been looking back through my records and the last time I managed 90 minutes without issuing a card was in March 2015. I only do OA football and am not card happy so it can only mean one thing really, players are getting worse.

Saturdays game 30 minutes in and im thinking today could be the day, a game without a card, well tempered opening exchange between two good sides, 60 minutes later I have 4 names on my yellow card and 2 on my red!!!!!

What is going on??
A&H International
I issued no cards this past weekend. It was a competitive U19s match played in good spirit so credit to the players and coaches. Looking back at my records I reckon around 25% of my games are card free.
I think there are all sorts of factors at play, the higher up you go the more likely there will be a tackle that would get a card. The better the referee you are the more you're able to use the stepped approach, you gain more credibility and authority so dissent changes.
1. The RESPECT campaign has gone somewhat stale and needs fresh resurgence and input. That's what's wrong.

2. The average footballer isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer" if you catch my drift. ;) :D

(DB will be along shortly to protest and tell me off for point number 2 :rolleyes: :p :D )

Naughty step please @Kes

I completely agree with this post. There are a few morons out there that let their teams down!
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I think there are all sorts of factors at play, the higher up you go the more likely there will be a tackle that would get a card. The better the referee you are the more you're able to use the stepped approach, you gain more credibility and authority so dissent changes.

Point 1.....actually the opposite applies....the further down the pyramid you referee, the more the players egos outweigh their actual ability. So you will get ridiculous challenges and more of them.

Point 2.....using the stepped approach only works if you have captains who give a toss....waste of time using it if they are simply captain because their knuckles drag the most on the floor.
Nothing to do with your ability as a referee.....in fact I would say that the better refs know when it's waste of time rather than rigidly following it in the forlorn hope of being 'credible' rather than being 'in control'.
Point 1.....actually the opposite applies....the further down the pyramid you referee, the more the players egos outweigh their actual ability. So you will get ridiculous challenges and more of them.

Point 2.....using the stepped approach only works if you have captains who give a toss....waste of time using it if they are simply captain because their knuckles drag the most on the floor.
Nothing to do with your ability as a referee.....in fact I would say that the better refs know when it's waste of time rather than rigidly following it in the forlorn hope of being 'credible' rather than being 'in control'.

Cynical, yet succinct as ever our Padders. :)
Padders... Sometimes I bang my head on the wall when reading your posts... Other times I force myself to nod and agree... This is one of those instances.
@Cheshire Ref Take it as a badge of honour that you're appointed to the type of games where cards are virtually expected (if not guaranteed). Revel in them, learn from them and when the time comes that you're not issuing cards in those types of games, you'll know you've cracked this refereeing lark.
In contrast I've done about 5 games without issuing a card this season. Only one red last season for violent conduct and same this season!
Up until 3 weeks ago, i've managed to keep it to 1 red.

Now i've had 4 in 3 games!!
2 from a mass confrontation (knee to the head and a punch)
1 for Offinabus
and yesterday a DOGSO
All of them 100% red cards as well!!!
Point 2.....using the stepped approach only works if you have captains who give a toss....waste of time using it if they are simply captain because their knuckles drag the most on the floor.
Nothing to do with your ability as a referee.....in fact I would say that the better refs know when it's waste of time rather than rigidly following it in the forlorn hope of being 'credible' rather than being 'in control'.

100% this.
Not had a cardless game since last season
Careless (lol careless that was meant to be!) game Saturday. 2 this month the other being a ladies game.