The Ref Stop

New Ref Bag

Big Cat

RefChat Addict
Level 4 Referee
I find it difficult to find a good kit bag for Reffing
Bought this one. I don't want a massive bag but this is a good compromise. Thought I'd post it for anyone looking for similar
Takes a couple of weeks for delivery, but that's not the end of the world
The Ref Stop
What is the long dimension of the center compartment? I've looked at different bags and I like to carry my flags in my bag.

Looking at the bag, my first thought was that it looked longer than my own. But, then I noticed the two side compartments. So, what is the real middle length?

I use a single length bag. Extra compartments are front and back, not sides so I have that longer dimension.

My flags are my longest dimension.

Since I carry 5 colored shirts, a bag for a spare set of shoes, and the rest is misc bags of goodies. So, I need some space width/height.

The bag looks like it has those dimensions. I followed the link but wasnt sure of the length of the middle.
Middle section no where near long enough for flags. There is a long compartment under the bag which is good for flags, but the flags stick out of by about 5 inches.
I had my flag handles damaged my first year because they stuck out of my bag. Switched to a longer bag.