Need to vent...


Politically Incorrect

Sorry guys, just need to get this off my chest to somebody other than the wife and this seems the safest place...

Had a game this morning I was inwardly dreading for some time.

Was on a line with a colleague I know pretty well. The referee I also unfortunately know well as he is in my RA. He was going for 5-4 this season but he failed the fitness test so is currently still Level 5.

He's well known through the county as a troublemaker and very militant.

I've seen his nature a number of times first hand at RA meetings. Should a debate strike up he will always take the view of the minority (very often he is the whole minority) and argue a point to the absolute death and beyond. Anybody else who disagree's is just plain wrong.

Imagine Padfoot on warp factor 10.:eek:

Anyway, told myself last week to keep an open mind as he may be different in a game situation and not to pre-judge.

This is a Sunday League Cup Semi. Not heard a peep from him about today's game until 5pm yesterday when I get an email, written in a mixture of text speak and Ye Olde English. No mention of a meeting time or place, just asked if I was ok for the game and if I wanted a lift.

So I resolve to turn up an hour before k.o. as usual. So I do, and I'm on my own for 30 minutes.

Eventually the other two pitch up (other assistant had taken ref up on his offer of a lift). I gave it the 'thought you weren't coming' and he said he'd come extra early as it was a semi!

Anyway, prematch consisted of ref telling tales about his various 'I sorted him out' situations etc, then moved onto how he hates to see referees in coloured boots, with continental flags or turning up late.

Imagine my surprise when the then gets changed, pulls on a bright yellow base layer, yellow snood type thing then Champions League official kit with bright yellow trim all over it. Gobsmacked! :eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, we get out at 5 to the hour for the 7 minute walk (you did read that correctly) onto the pitch we've not inspected (and was barely playable), to not conduct a jewellery/kit check and not check the nets. Ironically way too detailed speech to captains took approx 3 minutes. No warm up for us either.

We kick off at 5 past and the first half is uneventful, greens winning 1-0 at half time. We come together at half time and referee says 'this game is dull, I'll have to create us some action.' I innocently asked what he meant while fully understanding, to which he replied 'I'll show a couple of reds and the odd penalty, should spice things up.'

With the teams back on the pitch and ready to go he decides to go for a pee in the bushes, so we're all kept waiting despite there being ample opportunity before.

Second half gets going, and he issues just one caution, game is very straightforward. 1 very short stoppage for an injury (no treatment required) and 2 substitutions, I estimate 2 minutes injury time max.

Imagine my surprise when he awards a penalty to purple 4 minutes into injury time, which they convert to make it 1-1. 2 minutes later green score to make it 2-1. Naturally their bench went mental when they scored the second so he comes over to caution 4 substitutes who stepped a yard onto the pitch during the celebrations. I had already told them to get off and they were most apologetic. This is a school pitch so no technical areas.

We finish another 6 minutes later having played 12 minutes injury time.

A&H International

Sorry guys, just need to get this off my chest to somebody other than the wife and this seems the safest place...

Had a game this morning I was inwardly dreading for some time.

Was on a line with a colleague I know pretty well. The referee I also unfortunately know well as he is in my RA. He was going for 5-4 this season but he failed the fitness test so is currently still Level 5.

He's well known through the county as a troublemaker and very militant.

I've seen his nature a number of times first hand at RA meetings. Should a debate strike up he will always take the view of the minority (very often he is the whole minority) and argue a point to the absolute death and beyond. Anybody else who disagree's is just plain wrong.

Imagine Padfoot on warp factor 10.:eek:

Anyway, told myself last week to keep an open mind as he may be different in a game situation and not to pre-judge.

This is a Sunday League Cup Semi. Not heard a peep from him about today's game until 5pm yesterday when I get an email, written in a mixture of text speak and Ye Olde English. No mention of a meeting time or place, just asked if I was ok for the game and if I wanted a lift.

So I resolve to turn up an hour before k.o. as usual. So I do, and I'm on my own for 30 minutes.

Eventually the other two pitch up (other assistant had taken ref up on his offer of a lift). I gave it the 'thought you weren't coming' and he said he'd come extra early as it was a semi!

Anyway, prematch consisted of ref telling tales about his various 'I sorted him out' situations etc, then moved onto how he hates to see referees in coloured boots, with continental flags or turning up late.

Imagine my surprise when the then gets changed, pulls on a bright yellow base layer, yellow snood type thing then Champions League official kit with bright yellow trim all over it. Gobsmacked! :eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, we get out at 5 to the hour for the 7 minute walk (you did read that correctly) onto the pitch we've not inspected (and was barely playable), to not conduct a jewellery/kit check and not check the nets. Ironically way too detailed speech to captains took approx 3 minutes. No warm up for us either.

We kick off at 5 past and the first half is uneventful, greens winning 1-0 at half time. We come together at half time and referee says 'this game is dull, I'll have to create us some action.' I innocently asked what he meant while fully understanding, to which he replied 'I'll show a couple of reds and the odd penalty, should spice things up.'

With the teams back on the pitch and ready to go he decides to go for a pee in the bushes, so we're all kept waiting despite there being ample opportunity before.

Second half gets going, and he issues just one caution, game is very straightforward. 1 very short stoppage for an injury (no treatment required) and 2 substitutions, I estimate 2 minutes injury time max.

Imagine my surprise when he awards a penalty to purple 4 minutes into injury time, which they convert to make it 1-1. 2 minutes later green score to make it 2-1. Naturally their bench went mental when they scored the second so he comes over to caution 4 substitutes who stepped a yard onto the pitch during the celebrations. I had already told them to get off and they were most apologetic. This is a school pitch so no technical areas.

We finish another 6 minutes later having played 12 minutes injury time.

One word.

K n o b
Chalk it up to experience, ie learn that you never behave like this as a referee. As for him, anybody thinks he has a chip on his shoulders.

Sounds like an ideal candidate for L4, the assessors would love him. He would give them to write about. Pity he would only be there for two seasons before demotion.
Or tripped a player up - saw sometime in WBA v Man U match yesterday. Great off the ball tackle by Mike Dean - defo red. Anybody else see?
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Just remember it as what not to be.
Champions League Kit? What a throbber.
How is this man getting Semis? His club marks must be atrocious
Chalk it up to experience, ie learn that you never behave like this as a referee. As for him, anybody thinks he has a chip on his shoulders.

Sounds like an ideal candidate for L4, the assessors would love him. He would give them to write about. Pity he would only be there for two seasons before demotion.
Demotion to L6 from 5?

To be fair to the guy I don't know he doesn't send cards in. If anything he probably sends cards in he didn't show but should have.

Was talking to a good friend and refereeing colleague about this game earlier, he asked about the guy in question.

Apparently he refereed a number of games before Christmas in a Santa hat. :eek::confused:
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I think lincs22 means if he were to get Level 4, he wouldn't be there for very long and the assessors would have a field day with him whilst he was!

The Oscar for last week's ref!

(Burns recently acquired night navy Champo League clobber... it is my 4th colour... and we have to have as many as possible)