Nasty Injuries....


Politically Incorrect
Just a quick question for everybody that usually generates a few stories.....

What's the worst on pitch injuries you've seen??

I played in a charity game a year ago and a lad on my team went down as he controlled the ball, heard the snap and down he goes. Compound Femur fracture. Nasty. :eek:
A&H International
When I was stewarding at a football club last year seen a lad break his leg... carried him off the pitch on a stretcher along with few other guys. Poor lad was in agony. As the ref, worst I've had was a 15 yr old lad who has taken a stud to the forehead. Pretty nasty gash and I thought they might've called for an ambulance, but apparently the lad only lived across the road and his mum was a nurse or something. Went and got patched up and came back and sat on the sidelines for the last 20 mins of the game.
Ouch. I had a GK in a tournament suffer a broken wrist 20 seconds in the first game - Not good!
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Most disturbing injury I have ever seen was a dislocated knee-cap. Muddy pitch, player was charged from the side, foot stuck in the mud but rest of the body rotated which meant that the knee-cap popped off and moved round to the side of the knee. One team-mate went to have a look and was promptly sick.

I wasn't the referee...I was the player with the dislocated knee-cap.
Thankfully nothing too bad and I want to keep it that way.

Worst was a lad who took a boot to the eye. Total accident, his manager came on moaning about it being dangerous play and the lad said nah it was just an accident, shook the other boys hand. Was really impressed. Within about two minutes had a lump like an apple around his eye and turned a marvellous purple colour. Poor kid looked like the elephant man. Credit to him he wanted to carry on but the manager hauled him off even though they had no subs.
Last Season , Striker and midfielder , both slide fairly in the same direction for a loose ball , unfortunately the centre half decides to have a slide from the side ,striker nicks ball ,CH snaps strikers leg in 2 Tib and Fib , quick red card to diffuse situation , call ambulance , restart 1 hour later
first game of the season, beautiful sunny day - 10 minutes in to a friendly sportsmanship game - green CH jumps up to header the ball foward (un challanged) has he comes back down again the ol' leg breaks - clean snap in half - cue air ambulance etc and a restart 1 hour later...

more annoyingly i had 2 other games that day - one on the same pitch and one next door...the next door one eventually found another ref and was really nice and understanding towards me!
Had a number of nasty shoulder dislocations but the worst was over 10 years ago. Winger chased a long ball down and crossed on the slide, centre half blocked on the slide. The greasy surface meant both players kept sliding and into each other resulting in the winger breaking ti and fib in a compound fracture along with a dislocated ankle. All players agreed no malice intended just unfortunate circumstances
Triple ankle fracture. Left me physically shaking for three hours after. Seen a fair few bad'uns compound tib/fib (would have been a red card had he not hurt himself so badly), knee ligament tears (horrible wet popping sound), collarbone and shoulder, but nothing like that.
How on earth do you end up with a triple ankle fracture when you only have Tib and Fib?

Or is the kid in question some kind of freak of nature?
Could be fractured in three places. Its possible to fracture the same bone twice. Trust me I've done it (as a player)! And now look at what that did to me! I'm a F***ing referee!!!!
Last season as a player I had a team mate who nicked an artery near his ankle, bad tackle but not deliberately nasty. Lots of blood pretty quickly, spurting out, the works. Quite frightening really, seen a broken collar bone and arm before that but never that much blood leaving someone as such a rate! Anyways, ref agreed to play on after he'd been blue-lighted to hospital and we won 4-2.