Junior/Youth My first penalty shoot out!


Level 7 Referee
Here in Scotland the Youth FA games go straight to KFTPS after a drawn match. So here was me with the wee notepad with penalty kicks already on the back of the ref record sheet. (prepared? me?) It was also quite a game, with two very evenly matched U15 teams, so an unfortunate way to lose the tie. My way of working was:
1. Both team captains called over
2. Coin toss to decide what end to shoot, with the captain who didn't get the call at kick-off given the call.
3. Coin toss to decide who should shoot first, with the captain who lost the end toss calling it.
4. Gather both 'keepers together and advise them that they must have at least 1 foot on the line when the penalty is struck and I will be on the line to check. When they are not facing a kick they should be outside the goal area (I realise now this should have been the penalty area) and behind the goal line.
5. Check the ball is overhanging the centre of the penalty spot for each kick.
6. Mark down the number of the player AFTER they have taken the kick as it is easier to see the numbers and the result of their kick as they move away without me moving from my spot, plus it doesn't hold the player up while I write the number down.

All in all, it was quite a match - probably the best I have done so far. Game number 6 is done and dusted.

Any other hints and tips for KFTPS?
A&H International
1. Both team captains called over
2. Coin toss to decide what end to shoot, with the captain who didn't get the call at kick-off given the call.
3. Coin toss to decide who should shoot first, with the captain who lost the end toss calling it.
I'm pretty certain the way the law is written the intent is that no one calls but the referee assigns an end to heads and assigns an end for tails.
Similarly, referee assigns a team to heads and tails each and the winner chooses kick.

Slightly off topic but I do the same at kick off "Home heads, Away Tails."

4. Gather both 'keepers together and advise them that they must have at least 1 foot on the line when the penalty is struck and I will be on the line to check.
Important distinction between one foot on the line whereas law 14 requires at least part of one foot touching, in line with, or behind, the goal line.
I'm pretty certain the way the law is written the intent is that no one calls but the referee assigns an end to heads and assigns an end for tails.
Similarly, referee assigns a team to heads and tails each and the winner chooses kick.

Slightly off topic but I do the same at kick off "Home heads, Away Tails."

Important distinction between one foot on the line whereas law 14 requires at least part of one foot touching, in line with, or behind, the goal line.
Thanks James you're right. Although the decision to kick first is called by a player who wins the toss. 1726427977916.png
6. Mark down the number of the player AFTER they have taken the kick as it is easier to see the numbers and the result of their kick as they move away without me moving from my spot, plus it doesn't hold the player up while I write the number down.

I can see the logic here, but the reason you check the number is to check it is a legitimate kicker, afterwards would be too late.

E.g. the tenth penalty taker (11 a-side) is No2 again, you need this info before he takes the penalty.
6. Mark down the number of the player AFTER they have taken the kick as it is easier to see the numbers and the result of their kick as they move away without me moving from my spot, plus it doesn't hold the player up while I write the number down.

I can see the logic here, but the reason you check the number is to check it is a legitimate kicker, afterwards would be too late.

E.g. the tenth penalty taker (11 a-side) is No2 again, you need this info before he takes the penalty.
Yeah. I can see that now. Another thing to remember in future. Suppose it doesn't hurt to check the number when I am checking the ball is on the spot.
I always have ARs, which makes it easier, but I recommend writing the number down before the kick and then circling it for a make or putting a light line through for a miss (making sure the number is still easy to read!).
I'm pretty certain the way the law is written the intent is that no one calls but the referee assigns an end to heads and assigns an end for tails.
Similarly, referee assigns a team to heads and tails each and the winner chooses kick.
I agree with you on the first, but not the second. The language is no different from the coin toss at the start of the game. (Of course, the Laws don’t say in either case that a player gets to call—so if you let a player call the coin flip for ends of the field at the start of the game, no reason not to let them call for who kicks first, either.)
I think the common theme in the responses implies that knowing why we follow a certain action in the process is just as important as following it. It's not just about following the motion.

One trap to look out for, before sudden death shots, is knowing when to blow end of the shootout. Over the years I have seen many referees confusing themselves and blowing too late or too early in some cases.

After a miss check that if they score all remaining shots (from 5), they can reach opponent's already scored total. If not, end it.
After a goal, check that if opponent score all remaining shots (from 5), opponents can reach scorer team's total. If not, end it.
I think the common theme in the responses implies that knowing why we follow a certain action in the process is just as important as following it. It's not just about following the motion.

One trap to look out for, before sudden death shots, is knowing when to blow end of the shootout. Over the years I have seen many referees confusing themselves and blowing too late or too early in some cases.

After a miss check that if they score all remaining shots (from 5), they can reach opponent's already scored total. If not, end it.
After a goal, check that if opponent score all remaining shots (from 5), opponents can reach scorer team's total. If not, end it.
I’d suggest a minor edit—check in your head before each shot to know if a miss or a make ends it. (If the team shooting is ahead, you only need to think about what happens if they make; if the team shooting is behind, you only need to think about what happens if there is a miss; if it is tied, it won’t end on that shot unless it is the 10th shot or a later even shot.)
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I actually did this... and double-checked my sheet to ensure no errors... took about 5 secs before I blew the whistle to end the tie at 4-2 after pen 5. probably seemed longer, but I'd rather take my time to make sure rather than mess-up and call it early! (it was me first one after all)
Yeah. I can see that now. Another thing to remember in future. Suppose it doesn't hurt to check the number when I am checking the ball is on the spot.
What I do is walk out of the penalty area after a penalty is taken, so the next penalty taker is ahead of you as they walk to the penalty spot & you can see their number. :)