Move ref!


Politically Incorrect

What's really getting on my nerves at the moment is players saying 'move ref' if you happen to take a position that obscures their view.

How very rude of me.

You'd be quick enough to moan if I wasn't up with play wouldn't you??
A&H International
You might want to review your position BUT don't put up with this if you believe you are in the correct start position.
I get it occasionally standing on the edge of the box for a corner from the far side.

Sometimes a cheeky bugger will try and use me as a shield before running into the box!
I hear this occasionally but I simply move a little as it is not worth making a fuss over. The only time it grates is when they look up and still pass the ball towards me and then blame me for getting in the way! In the way of what I want to ask, you saw me and still passed the ball? I have become quite good at opening my legs and letting the ball pass through. Nuts!!
As ever, context is everything, if you're getting in the way - in the heat of the game - some reaction is understandable - depends how loud that reaction is and the exact situation/score/position on fop as to whether it is appropriate or not.

In theory we should NEVER be in the way, so punishing a reaction when we're in the "wrong" is always going to be a difficult sell.
How would you deal with this @Brian Hamilton ?

Caution seems a bit harsh, a word may seem a bit petulant?
I have had to deal with this situation in the past. I had a team who insisted on wanting to be where I was and if I didn't move quick enough, they ran into me. I let it lie for the first two occasions. On the third I called the captain in and had a word. I said that if any player on his team ran into me again I would caution. It only took one caution for them to get the message that I was serious.

It did interfere with my concentration and later in the game I gave an IDFK for holding the ball for 15 seconds, allowed the non-offending team to take a quick free kick and the resulting goal kissed my match control goodbye. Lesson that day was never rush. Take my time. I can always add the time on at the end.
From the OP, the examples I originally mean are where a player behind you has his view blocked by you're presence as opposed to actually being in the way of the action.

I also have no idea he's there.

Also usually if I'm square on to play, somewhere in the middle of the field 10 - 15 yards from the ball.

If somebody shouts 'move ref' I do my best to maintain an obstructing view. If somebody shouts 'excuse ref' (or even just 'scuse) I will do my level best to at least show I am trying to accommodate them.

I have to say if anyone ran into me I'd have to be pretty sure it was completely unavoidable before I warned the player at the next break in play.
If this is happening enough that it is causing annoyance to you, and in particular to post about it, it would imply that you are genuinely getting in the way of the players, and should review your positioning.