Most memorable moment as a referee?


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
What's yours?

I've got a couple that ill type up when I'm not on my iPhone.
A&H International
Memorable was my first red card. Felt better after getting that over and done with that.

However there was one game near a local shop (corner shop. You know the type) Someone had stolen something and was running out and the shop owner came out shouting in what I think was Portuguese and waving a knife. They came running across the field of play. The guy running away then ran into the post knocking himself out. The shop owner took back the item beer I think and apologised to everyone and called the cops so they could come pick him up. Something I will never forget.
Doing the middle when during the 2nd half a fight broke out which resulted in the game being abandoned. Later told by local police inspector the game was between two opposing Chinese triads.

Aside from that, assistant in the very last UK military game in Hong Kong, and middles for the Central Wales Cup Final and FAW Trophy Semi-Final.
Two for me;

Running the line at Wembley in an ESPN PR day, involving the likes of Keown, Barnes, Keegan, Southall and others, with a good mate of mine in the middle!

Other one was earlier this season when I did 25 minutes or so as 4th man in the Football League (Leyton Orient vs Notts County) when Surrey FA FL ref Lee Collins went down inured. That was an experience! Keith Curle and Russell Slade hurling abuse at me! Curle was sacked 2 days later!
1st assessment: will never ever be so poor again!!
getting called a che**ing c**t
The day my promotion letter came through! :)
The 1st Halifax RA meeting
Refereeing in Denmark
Nothing really as a referee YET.

But, going back a few years ( to the early 80s) playing club football, we played a team who used Man City's old training ground at Platt Lane. half-way through the first half, a drugs bust occurred in a buliding across the road, armed response teams, full riot gear the lot - shots were fired, we hit the deck. Cops got hte people they were after, we watched them getting carted off in the Hoolie Van. Ref says, "anyone hurt? OK, dropped ball then"

Another around the same time, we were playing away against a team in Hulme, Manchester. Changing sheds were across the road from the pitch, which was surrounded by six foot high fences, with barbed wire all round the top, with a gap in the barbed wire, level with the half-way line. We couldn't find the gate. Their coach says, sorry lads, you'll have to climb over through that gap. Whenever we put a gate in, the goalposts disappear!