
Egg man

Level 5 Referee
I've been fortunately to have two senior referee as mentors both who have given me postive feedback on my performance in recent weeks.

In both these games one of the teams have not been happy with my handling of the game. I have come to the conclusion this will be the case week in week out at grassroots level.
A&H International
That's come as a bit of an epiphany to me too this season.

I now come away with what I hope is a more balanced view on my performance which does not rely on what either team thinks. If I get thanks from most players I take that as a positive, but I now think back over the main points in the match and if I reckon I've got them right and have managed the intervening periods to my own satisfaction then I'm content.

I'm now less bothered by whether the teams think I've had a good game, but whether I think I've had a good match
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Yeah, I've been doing a lot of self evaluation and have been content, both my mentors feedback has given me confidence. And I would advise all referee starting out or going for promotion to find a mentor.

It feels great when you blow for full-time and players thank you. But when team officials some who have played at a reasonable level question your decision you have to wonder what game they are watching.
Wish I had a mentor at my game at the weekend. Had a niggly feeling that I hadn't done a great job. Strangely, I felt as though the KMDs I had made were correct (and importantly, in hindsight I still think so) so can't quite place my finger on the exact reason, so wondering if there was a couple of things that I let go and shouldn't have or was too lenient on - as a player also, I really want the game to flow and the players to self-manage somewhat, but I have an existing note-to-self to be better with this.
Could be feeling bad due to the extensive feedback of teams (losing team in particular) - or, of course, the other option is that I was completely s**t :eek:

As people above said already, I think it's good to get feedback from people with much more experience for these matters and hope for the best that they come for the trickier games, not the walk in the park.