The Ref Stop

Max match day squad size


Level 7 Referee
I have an U18 match appointment on Saturday and the home team have advised me that the away team intend to bring 18 players to the game. Our league rules state a max of 5 returning subs can be used.
As a ref in this youth league we don’t get involved with checking team sheets/eligible players (this is done between the coaches) or record subs made so my question is if they do want to use 7 subs should I let them and report it after or enforce the rule and limit them to 5 subs?
The Ref Stop
Enforce the rule. That is what you are paid to do.

Also check the comp rules about the number of occupants in the tech area. Most would say 5 substitutes and X ( 4 ) team officials. This means in your case 2 from the squad can't even be in the technical area.
Make sure you're super clear on your league rules. Can they name 7 but only use 5 of them, or do they have to select the 5 subs pre-match? When you arrive, have a think about how to try and ensure they don't cheat the system - I know you say you don't get involved in recording subs, but I think you will have to on this occasion....
I have an U18 match appointment on Saturday and the home team have advised me that the away team intend to bring 18 players to the game. Our league rules state a max of 5 returning subs can be used.
As a ref in this youth league we don’t get involved with checking team sheets/eligible players (this is done between the coaches) or record subs made so my question is if they do want to use 7 subs should I let them and report it after or enforce the rule and limit them to 5 subs?

If, as the match referee, you knowingly allow them to breach the league rules then there could be an appeal from the other team for the match to get voided. Whether that appeal succeeds or fails is irrelevant, but you could be subject to a disciplinary hearing for the failure to apply league rules correctly.

There is a L3 referee who was suspended for three weeks for failing to play the extra-time in a league cup match. He thought that the match went start to penalties.
Most youth leagues don't do team sheets but do have the managers exchange ID cards before the game. Usually if something is up the managers will know. Any problems, play the game and report afterwards.

Competition rules will state what's allowed and what's not. If you're not sure, ask.

If you do notice that there's something up before the game, just have a word with the managers. If it's youth football, more often than not the managers will agree to the extra subs to give the kids a game. I've seen it happen before, and the manager in question would approach the other manager and say "look, I've got a couple lads down too many, but I want to give them all a game." If the managers agree, I'd say let it go, but advise the manager in question that it is on his head if a complaint comes through.

Of course, the opposition are well within their rights to disagree. If there's any doubt, just stick to the competition rules and enforce them where you see fit.