The Ref Stop

Match Control

Sheff Ref

Level 6 Referee
This is probably a silly question but I'm interested to know what techniques you guys/girls use for match control.... early caution for decent, spectators encroaching on field of play, playing advantage etc..... any advice?
The Ref Stop
Instead of the early caution for dissent - a quick word with both teams before the game noting you have zero tolerance - then any answering back, tell them to remember what you said before the game.

I'm also very vocal, a lot of "Good tackle!", "Great throw!" "OK Keeper (if he's unsure if he can pick it up after last touch off teammate) - these comments don't give much room for a response with arguments.

First 5 minutes - I always make a player taking a throw move back 5 yards.

Just little things so that everyone knows you're in charge. Earns you a lot of respect too!

Jordan :)
Instead of the early caution for dissent - a quick word with both teams before the game noting you have zero tolerance - then any answering back, tell them to remember what you said before the game.

To me, you've already impugned yourself. You said before the match that you had zero tolerance but you've just shown yourself to have tolerance. Don't say you have zero tolerance, and don't use a caution until you need to. Feel out the temperature of the match (this takes some practice) and decide what is best. Sometimes, ignore; others caution.
The reason I say I have zero tolerance, is because I have zero tolerance. This of course is in relation to dissent and OFFINABUS. I know it can be difficult sometimes to distinguish between answering back and the offence of dissent - but the procedure I outlined above stops answering back becoming dissent (for me anyway.) Match control is probably one of my strongest points fortunately, but I can see why some use cautions to gain it - my voice usually does the job!
I tell them I have a - 'very low tolerance for anything verbal, whether directed at me, the opponents or amongst yourselves'.

Gives me a it of leeway when judging the spirit of the game and player-frustration with themselves.

Dissent is easy, dictionary definition:
dis·sent (d
intr.v. dis·sent·ed, dis·sent·ing, dis·sents
To differ in opinion or feeling; disagree.
2. To withhold assent or approval.
1. Difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement.
2. The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.
3. Law A justice's refusal to concur with the opinion of a majority, as on a higher court. Also called dissenting opinion.

Basically, if you disagree with a decision of mine, it is dissent. So there has to be some kind of tolerance or you would end up carding everyone: "Aw come on ref! What was that for?" or "How does that work ref?" while showing disagreement are unworthy of a card, unless it's the same player all the time. Angry or snarly dissent is different.

We have a code for cautions "Unsporting remarks or gestures" that I use quite often, when many may put 'dissent' down.

Starting with a 'Low Tolerance' gives me the first 10-20 where I can use a quiet, or stern word to get on top of it, and if I've done it properly, from then on it's rarely a problem.
Unless it is blatant, vocal disregard for my decision (You've got to be f@cking joking ref), I usually call the player over and when they are close, lean in slightly, speak with a low voice, in just above a whisper and say words to the effect "I appreciate that you won't always agree with my decisions, but don't keep arguing with them. I hope we don't have to have this conversation again." Very often, that warning is enough.
The reason I say I have zero tolerance, is because I have zero tolerance. This of course is in relation to dissent and OFFINABUS. I know it can be difficult sometimes to distinguish between answering back and the offence of dissent - but the procedure I outlined above stops answering back becoming dissent (for me anyway.) Match control is probably one of my strongest points fortunately, but I can see why some use cautions to gain it - my voice usually does the job!

But you've just said you have zero tolerance and then that you give them a verbal warning. That's decidedly not zero tolerance.
I've mentioned it a few times, don't ever hang your self out to dry before they've even kicked a ball.

"I will do this, I won't stand for X" will bite you in the ass eventually.