Match 3 - Spain : Portugal

A&H International
And yes, the elite referees are def not going to award a playerr a fk then caution them for a reaction like that.
A public park referee would. A "you cant speak to me like that" kinda ref.
Thats why that ref is out there, and we are sitting watching him with a cup of tea and a tube of pringles.
The kinda ref that does not action a cynical foul but strongly clamps down on someone (correctly) telling him he has under reacted, is every players most despised kind of ref....
On my daughters life I don’t know how it was gonna go in but I just knew that Ron was scoring that free kick, just knew it.
And yes, the elite referees are def not going to award a playerr a fk then caution them for a reaction like that.
A public park referee would. A "you cant speak to me like that" kinda ref.
Thats why that ref is out there, and we are sitting watching him with a cup of tea and a tube of pringles.
The kinda ref that does not action a cynical foul but strongly clamps down on someone (correctly) telling him he has under reacted, is every players most despised kind of ref....
Your opinion is that it's a cynical foul - that's not a fact. The referee's entitled to his opinion, and he's entitled to not be yelled at for having that opinion.

And yes, the elite referees are def not going to award a playerr a fk then caution them for a reaction like that.
A public park referee would. A "you cant speak to me like that" kinda ref.
Thats why that ref is out there, and we are sitting watching him with a cup of tea and a tube of pringles.
The kinda ref that does not action a cynical foul but strongly clamps down on someone (correctly) telling him he has under reacted, is every players most despised kind of ref....

You do realise that the foul wasn’t worthy of a caution?

You do realise that just because the pundits say it’s a caution, doesn’t make it so?
Your opinion is that it's a cynical foul - that's not a fact. The referee's entitled to that opinion, and he's entitled to not be yelled at for having that opinion.


Human though. Like being shouted at by Rooney england captain... this was being shouted at by one of the 5(?) greatest players of all time who very very rarely has disciplinary problems... about a decision that might have been regretted..,
With all due respect that's complete rubbish, and a cowardly mentality I absolutely wouldn't have expected from you. Especially given we're talking about theoretically one of the top ref's in the world, we should be expecting better!

He's made a decision [that it's not a foul]. And he might be technically wrong, but once the decision's been given that's kind of irrelevant. Allowing a player to talk to you like that - and to then turn round and give you both barrels again having been already told not to - is not only very wrong, it's also massively damaging to his match control.

As I pointed out before, he then doesn't feel empowered to punish a further act of dissent from a Spain player, because he knows he's just dropped the ball with Portugal's star man. If I let those two acts of dissent slide on a Sunday morning, the players would pick up on it and I'd find myself under constant pressure for the rest of the match. Top level refereeing isn't just about foul recognition, and he's let himself down here IMO.

Well thats me and tonights referee both rubbish and both with a cowardly mentality. I will settle for that!
Whats damaging for match control is allowing hacks/trips/tactical fouls to go without a card, yet carding someone understandably fustrated at your poor judgment
Ronaldos third, some refs would want a card for the foul and look, some Spanish player booted the ball away. Two cards? No, he showed none, there was no need to. Handshakes and cuddles from everybody at end, inckuding to and from the ref. Thats management. You take the yc for someone moaning at your lack of action over a tackle and that player will still be hounding you at the final whistle