The Ref Stop

Mark Halsey


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
I just wandered whether anyone has read the autobiography about him which is called Added time, surviving cancer, death threats and the premier league?

If you have read it what do you think to it ??

Would you recommend it ?

Wasnt sure whether to read it or not
The Ref Stop
I'm about half way through it at the moment. I'll let you know when it's finished. However from what I've read so far he seems to have a right 'grudge' against certain individuals.
I've brought it and would say its worth a read. It's a difficult one to comment on unless you have read it because we all have disagreements, and I agree these should be kept within the referring community.

I think some of the criticism, towards some officials, should have been kept away from the book, however, there does appear to be concerns with how things are managed in the select group.

He comments on how Graham Poll would form clicks within the group and often get drunk on trips away, yet mangement appeared to fear him and let him get away with things. Graham and Mark clearly didn't get on.

Also he tells the story of when he recovered from his cancer, his manager of the PGMOL, Mike Riley, asked him to retire. When he said no he was told he must pass the fitness test. All the referees were there to support Mark with Mike Riley's assistant going along too. When he passed the test all the referees ran over to Mark, who was now in agony to congratulate him. Lots of tears were shed as everyone was so pleased for Mark, Yet Mike Riley's assistant walked off in disaprovement.

Riley was clearly not happy and would often put him on the football league for four weeks or give him fourth offical games even though his scores were in the top 3 refs in the county. Riley and others clearly didn't want Him around.

Harsh for a guy who has been through what he has. There are more stories like this, so is an interesting read. Should also note how he wasn't give his (large) payment when retirng unlike other referees because of this book, so he clearly isn't doing to make loads of money.
Reffy has got it pretty much spot on.

I thought it was a good read (although I didn't enjoy it as much as Poll or Winters books) with some good stories and insights into life as a professional. To me the way he was treated post cancer was disgusting and if what is written true, Riley and others at the top should be ashamed. I won't say too much more as you'll read it for yourself in due course.
Winter said similar about Graham Poll. Just finished his book, Polls will be read after I finish the current book (about Owls!)
Am just reading Poll's book at the far only confirms my thoughts on Ashley Cole and John Terry, and confirms that the FA are a weak body that bow down to the Premier League.
I really liked Poll's book, and only just started Halsey's, but very much feels like a competition between them. Did anybody hear Poll's reaction to Halsey's book on TalkSport?
I have got a signed copy for xmas, I went xmas shopping in Manchester and he was doing books signing there, so someone brought me one for xmas :)
When was he doing this! Would've only took me half an hour to get down there and get one! :confused:
Very annoyed! I want to read it too - any high street retailers that are selling it?
I responded to an offer of a signed book a few weeks ago but didn't hear anything. Anyway Halsey is doing a sportsmans dinner locally where i go , so i have got the book ready for him to sign personally. Today I have received a mail and his wife is getting in contact soon to send the book £14 anyway if anyone wants it let me know and the message you want wand I'll sort out passing your info on
I've only got through the first chapter due to school/course work :( got it personally signed by him though, he was a guest speaker at out RA dinner party :)
I am getting a signed copy for christmas. I am actually looking forward to reading it because i have heard a lot of people say that it is a good read