Maritime Champions' League

Ryan Owens

Token Colonial
Level 3 Referee
So the Maritime Champions' League officials' schedule has just been released. Basically this is a tournament between the winners of the three maritime top-flight adult amateur leagues, any high-level cup competitions etc from last season. I've been given 5 fixtures over the next 3 days including as AR 1 on the final match of the tournament. I'm pretty pleased.
A&H International
Haha! Maritimes is a regional name for the three provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
I knew that. Also pronunced Marry-teems locally as opposed to Marry-times, correct?
5 matches in 3 days later and I'm absolutely knackered. Took me a whole day of recovery yesterday just to stop my legs from aching. It was a difficult tournament especially as a season opener. Play was rather quick in most matches and often times very contentious so you had to really move your legs. The first two matches went well, I suffered a bit from fitness in my third but had a fantastic first match. I was AR in the final and the combination of being exhausted and the tremendous heat caused my concentration to suffer somewhat. Nothing happened that caused me to err but I still felt as though I could have been more focused at times during the match. All in all, I'm not entirely happy with how it went -- probably slightly below average which is far from where I'd like it to be. I'll have to pick it up this season.