Man City V Chelsea

Matt Redmond

Level 7 Referee
Should Matija Nastasic been sent off for his foul on Oscar at the half way line?

Some (mainly Jose Mourinho) Feel his was "last man" therefore DOGSO

With 50-60 yards to goal i thinks it going to be hard to justify a red card.
A&H International
No chance. It's not even a difficult one for me.

Player is at the halfway line, not in control of the ball and quite possibly could be argued not to be running directly at goal when the offence takes place.
it's a good job for Chelsea that Mike Jones wasn't refereeing or their goal could well have been chalked off for offside

I was at the game last night and the first thing I said was 'there's no way that's a red card", and I haven't changed my mind having seen it again. He's too far out to even contemplate a red card. Mike Dean was spot on, although I thought he had a poor game overall.
Remember when Gary Cahill got sent off for fouling Scott Parker near the halfway line? Though most said it was a poor decision and the ban was overturned.
No chance. It's not even a difficult one for me.

Player is at the halfway line, not in control of the ball and quite possibly could be argued not to be running directly at goal when the offence takes place.
Totally agree. I would go so far as to say that he was running away from goal. There is no way that you could say with certainty that neither of the defenders would catch up.