The Ref Stop

Made a massive mistake, how to recover


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
Did a game yesterday, yellows v blue. Ball goes out for an obvious yellow throw which is quickly taken. Blues are all standing around shouting at me and everyone stops, bar yellow. I’ve then realise that although I was giving a yellow throw, I’d actually signalled the wrong direction and given it to blue. Typically, yellow striker hits the back of the net putting them 2-0 up. Cue blue players swarming around me shouting. What would you do in this scenario?
The Ref Stop
I'd take play back to the throw in to the correct team.
The correct team DID take the throw in.

Did a game yesterday, yellows v blue. Ball goes out for an obvious yellow throw which is quickly taken. Blues are all standing around shouting at me and everyone stops, bar yellow. I’ve then realise that although I was giving a yellow throw, I’d actually signalled the wrong direction and given it to blue. Typically, yellow striker hits the back of the net putting them 2-0 up. Cue blue players swarming around me shouting. What would you do in this scenario?
I've done this a number of times including for free kicks but it has never taken me that long to figure out what had happened. I always stopped play for a retake of the restart. Its the only the fair thing to do and you can do it legally unless you have restarted play after the goal was scored.
The correct team DID take the throw in.

I've done this a number of times including for free kicks but it has never taken me that long to figure out what had happened. I always stopped play for a retake of the restart. Its the only the fair thing to do and you can do it legally unless you have restarted play after the goal was scored.
My bad. Misread post.

In which case it does only seem fair to take it back as the blue team woyld have been unfairly disadvantaged by the incorrect signal.
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The correct team DID take the throw in.

I've done this a number of times including for free kicks but it has never taken me that long to figure out what had happened. I always stopped play for a retake of the restart. Its the only the fair thing to do and you can do it legally unless you have restarted play after the goal was scored.

There was probably about 5 seconds between the throw in and the goal.

Looks like I made the right decision in that case, although the yellow team were annoyed by the decision they seemed to understand. I called in both captains, explained my decision to pull it back for the throw in and explain why I’ve decided to do that. A few moans and groans but overall it was ok. Luckily, it didn’t effect the outcome of the match. Pretty embarrassing though
No decision had changed. I just pulled it back
if the blues scored a goal then the game must have restared
The decision wasn't changed. yellow throw, retaken by yellow. Think a quick free kick that you don't want taking quickly, technically the game has restarted but you bring it back to be taken again.
Mike Jones did a similar thing in the Premier League a few years ago. Following a stoppage in play in which the ball was put out of play for an injury the ball was thrown to Leroy Fer, the whole world expected him to just pass back to keeper but instead he went for goal and scored. Mike Jones called it back and had the throw in retaken, something for which he received widespread praise. He used an excuse of he hadn't whistled for a restart but in terms of game management this was an excellent decision.

I'd go as far as to say this is exactly what the spirit of the game was introduced for. The laws cannot deal with every possible situation so where there is no direct provision in law the referee makes a decision in the "spirit if the game". This involves asking what football wants/would expect.

I think this has been perfectly applied here as Yellows accepted. Had the goal stood Blues would not have accepted the decision and truthfully I think the OP would be upset that what is a relatively small mistake that we've all made ultimately cost a team a goal.
sounds like to me you made the right call. You realised your mistake, explained it and rectified it, Well done, its not always easy, but the right thing to do.
Your human remember that, your not a robot patrolling the pitch, out of interest what was the final score?

Did your calamity moment :D have an impact on the result.
if the blues scored a goal then the game must have restared
While there is no provision in law for the OP exact scenario, the law is very clear on a very similar scenario where the referee signals incorrectly (misleading) and the ball enters goal.

"An indirect free kick must be retaken if the referee fails to signal that the kick is indirect and the ball is kicked directly into the goal." Page 107

Note in this scenario the game also has restarted.

Using the same principle, the TI in OP should be retaken if the referee has signalled incorrectly (misleading).
Your human remember that, your not a robot patrolling the pitch, out of interest what was the final score?

Did your calamity moment :D have an impact on the result.

Thankfully it didn't but it quite easily could have. Yellows were 1-0 up at this point, game finished 2-1 yellows.
My biggest snafu was something like this. I had ordered a 35 yard DFK on the whistle, kicker goes to start the run up before I get into position, I shout to wait for the whistle. He stops. But then starts again as I look back, just taking up position on the edge of the box. I then whistle once during his run up. The defence all stop, attackers get an easy goal. I allow it and am so flustered I call half time 5 mins early. All in front of one of my chiefs who was NAR.

It was a few years ago now. I will never make that mistake again. I hope. You can always bring it back!!!!
I once played a near perfect one-two with an attacker on the edge of the box, at the same time blocking off a defending player who was trying to close down the shot, in the end the unopposed show that flew into the top corner. The morally correct decision would have been to disallow, but there were no grounds to do so and it had to be a goal no matter how much of an assist I'd had on it. A couple of the conceding team sympathised with me, the rest thought I was the biggest clown (and other words) they'd ever come across.

We all make mistakes, be that seeing things wrong, pointing the wrong way, or in my case getting my oversized derriere right in the way of play, we just need to grin and bear it and hopefully learn not to make the same mistake again.
I still get PMs from players / managers asking for clarification on potential 'mistakes' made by officials in my former leagues. Some of them, as described would make your toes curl. Most of them are YHTBT moments but from their side the errors are basic stuff, I try and give balanced responses without criticising colleagues but its hard sometimes
I still get PMs from players / managers asking for clarification on potential 'mistakes' made by officials in my former leagues. Some of them, as described would make your toes curl. Most of them are YHTBT moments but from their side the errors are basic stuff, I try and give balanced responses without criticising colleagues but its hard sometimes

Chances are though how they were explained to you weren't exactly how they happened. I've had countless times when I've been observing where one or both teams have come to talk to me about the decisions, and often the way they described the incident was not even close to how I'd seen it or how indeed it had happened. So if that happens with an observer who was watching the game I can only imagine how it gets described to a subsequent referee who wasn't there.

Players and coaches see things how they want to see them, regardless of what actually happened. I also used to get it when I was playing, where team mates would explain things in the pub after that just didn't actually happen that way. Sometimes led to heated debates as I was seen as being "pro-referees".
100% agree that they have a skewed view, I do try and side with the referees action in saying something positive.

One that I remember sent off a Tom Jones for thinking he was taking the p1ss on a yellow card..... That one was true because I know the lad and his dad in question. I was warned before a following game that that was his name!!! ;)

One Player Manager was sent off recently for saying some very mild expletives but put together and said with vigour I would of sent him off too.
They maybe aren't expecting that and it goes from a referee mistake to Wow, I didnt know that!!!