Looking at Social Media


Level 7 Referee
With the big rise in Grassroots teams using Social Media, do you ever check their feeds to see if you are mentioned in any of their posts/comments when you have officiated at their matches?
A&H International
You've got literally nothing to gain by checking it. Firstly they don't appreciate what it takes to be a good referee so their opinion is far less important to us than that of a mentor, coach or observer.
Secondly, even if they think you're the best referee they've had, extremely rarely would they say that on social media. You're only realistically ever going to see negative opinions on your performance by looking on social media.

With that said.... yes, yes I do. I can't help it. Maybe I'll grow out of it one day...
I look for two reasons:

Firstly, as above, now I'm at a better standard you get some pretty nice snaps (see profile pic for my personal fave)

but secondly, as I live in a small town with a sunday league I do just check that I haven't pissed off the dog and duck so much that I'll avoid their number 4 if I see him down Aldi (other supermarkets are available)
Often, Twitter algorithm finds me as opposed to me looking for any images post.

It is nice to find action photos of yourself in 4k of course. I wouldn't advise going after club profiles if there's been controversial incidents however.
I used to look after games, think it is just human nature. You just have to be ready to chuckle at some of the ridiculous comments that are made. Official match reports are generally OK, but when you go into the murky world of social media you don't want to be looking at it unless you are strong willed.

The problem is any comments are almost always made with no knowledge of refereeing. This one was from without doubt one of my worst ever refereeing performances, I'll hold my hands up to that, but the very reason I was being fussy is it was a local derby and they were kicking lumps out of each other. Don't really think any referee would have took the reigns off in that game as would have been just too dangerous, but the people writing the match report don't understand that. I would argue that the game would have had more than an edge of I'd took a back seat, but obviously people don't understand that thought process.

The game had increasingly developed an edge, not helped by fussy referee RustyRef.
I check all the time. But I have never had a mention.

The video I posted where I over turned a CARs offside, I did notice they stopped the VEO just after that call, then started it a little while later.

So maybe I would have been in my first social feed had I got that one wrong.
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I tend to have a peek a day or two later, just out of curiosity what the general vibe was and see if any decent photos. Provides a nice chuckle on the bus to work on a Monday morning.

Had two cautions on Saturday, both the same type of challenge, tripping the winger who’d beaten his man for pace. Away team’s version of events is great. First one was “could have been red on a different day” and theirs was “even their guy said it was a good challenge”. Actually snort laughed reading it. Then again, this is a team who moaned that I’d “booked” someone when all I did was put my hand up for an indirect free kick after an offside.