Liverpool V Utd

No the previous post about SAF is the one, when he left, the aura, magic and spirit left. That man never kicked a ball for Utd but singled handed won so much, basically at times rendering the players as nothing more then puppets carrying out his demands.
Very few players under SAF went on to better things, prob fair to say 9 out of 10 peaked at Utd and were average in other teams, this was not due simply to the players, but to SAF making them believe they were better than they were. CR7 is the stand out exception but I seriously cant think of any others.

For what its worth, it might be fun to see Keane take charge short term (its not going to happen), but, imagine him actually having free range on these under acheivers in the dressing room ! Boot up arse is indeed needed.
I'm not aware of any Fergie rants on film but that Govan kiss butter wouldn't melt face was surely one for the cameras not for the players.
I was there in 1992, we beat them easy the first day of the Prem, I wouldn't have put any money on them after that game, but hey, I'm not a football better, good job really!!!
A&H International
I'm not aware of any Fergie rants on film but that Govan kiss butter wouldn't melt face was surely one for the cameras not for the players.
I was there in 1992, we beat them easy the first day of the Prem, I wouldn't have put any money on them after that game, but hey, I'm not a football better, good job really!!!

I went to Bramwell Lane once, FA Cup, Monday night sky game, windy, think was 2-0 and Eric def scored one, a cheeky lob then he stood there awaiting adulation
I have met him a few times, at hotel before Rangers Champ league game in Glasgow and at a testimonial at Pittodrie, he promised if I sent him my shirt he would get Beckham to sign it for me....he did, and I have so far resisted putting it on Ebay (never would tbh)
I went to Bramwell Lane once, FA Cup, Monday night sky game, windy, think was 2-0 and Eric def scored one, a cheeky lob then he stood there awaiting adulation
I have met him a few times, at hotel before Rangers Champ league game in Glasgow and at a testimonial at Pittodrie, he promised if I sent him my shirt he would get Beckham to sign it for me....he did, and I have so far resisted putting it on Ebay (never would tbh)
I was there that night too, absolute quality chip past Alan Kelly, He was in Sheffield before Leeds, Points for his only appearance in a wednesday shirt??
Am not going to google but was it not an indoor game and he told FRANCIS !! "Cantona does not do trials" or something like that

Erics best moment was getting sent off in a pre season friendly at Ibrox for swiping a young Stephen Pressley, as they squared up, he vowed he would get revenge....
About 3/4 years later, Eric dives at Old Trafford following a Pressely tackle and Pressley is dismissed


A friend of mine went to the match and was raving about him, but Francis said I'm not paying £1 million for a player I've not seen play on grass....

Again without google Eric had just retired from the French national team but was still considered one of the top strikers in Europe. It would have been £1 million worth gambling...he who dares....

Better still though was the alleged story in how he ended up at OT, Wilkinson phones SAF and asks about buying Dennis Irwin, SAF tells him in the nicest possible way where to go (!) but finishes the call with, "can we buy Cantona", next day Wilkinson phones back having spoken to the Leeds chairman and its a goer....
He was the cream on a decent cake TBF, a bit lazy but a definite game changer. Took a great swipe from Vinny Jones too, that would be a Blue card these days!!!
Again without google Eric had just retired from the French national team but was still considered one of the top strikers in Europe. It would have been £1 million worth gambling...he who dares....

Better still though was the alleged story in how he ended up at OT, Wilkinson phones SAF and asks about buying Dennis Irwin, SAF tells him in the nicest possible way where to go (!) but finishes the call with, "can we buy Cantona", next day Wilkinson phones back having spoken to the Leeds chairman and its a goer....
No, he was banned in France for a horrendous tackle, an absolute horror, he then called the ref committee something and got about 9 months ban!
Very few players under SAF went on to better things, prob fair to say 9 out of 10 peaked at Utd and were average in other teams, this was not due simply to the players, but to SAF making them believe they were better than they were. CR7 is the stand out exception but I seriously cant think of any others.

CR7 ?
I see. :rolleyes:

So .... You wouldn't say that Beckham went on to become an even better player than he was at Old Trafford with Real Madrid then?


HIs brand name might have went galactic but he single handed did ridiculous things for Utd, folk forget his fa cup semi goal because of Giggs, he won the league v Spurs, and he scored v East Fife in a game I was part of!