Level 7 promotion


New Member
Very niche question here and may well be better for my RDO but… no where in the 7 -> 6 promotion guide does it give a specific gender for the adults games, theoretically I could do 2 games in one Sunday (not that my legs would hold up from a men’s Sunday league then a women’s game 😂) therefore getting to the 25 games rather quickly, or is there a requirement that it must be 10 men’s adult games.

A&H International
This season it was changed so that you can no longer do both pathways alongside each other in one promotion window. (Ie 7-6 and 4W-3W). However, I’m not sure if that actually affects which matches you can use for promotion. I’d say a question regarding promotion would probably be best off with an RDO to ensure you get the right information otherwise you may end up doing games you don’t need to.
Very niche question here and may well be better for my RDO but… no where in the 7 -> 6 promotion guide does it give a specific gender for the adults games, theoretically I could do 2 games in one Sunday (not that my legs would hold up from a men’s Sunday league then a women’s game 😂) therefore getting to the 25 games rather quickly, or is there a requirement that it must be 10 men’s adult games.

It's any open age game so women's games do count. However in Herts I believe matchday coaches will only be appointed to men's games.
Technically I believe you are correct. However, if you plan to progress through the men's game I would suggest you do majority of men's fixtures.

For someone who will be doing 7-6 from November (Missed the promotion deadline :( ) I have refereed both open age men and women which is a completely different game.

Really depends what path you want to take :)
FA rules for 7-6 promotion

It is just 25 11-a-side Open Age matches, so not gender specific. That FA document could be out of date, as CFA are says 25 matches

It is, I think, only if you want to follow the Women's pathway that your matches have to be Women's Reginal and County matches.
I got told by my RDO at a promotion meeting this season that womens games only count towards the womens pathway and they dont count towards the male pathway iirc. I may be wrong quoting him but im pretty sure thats what he said.