santa sangria
RefChat Addict
HmmYes, just as we are called on to do in many different parts of the law.
The element of intent was only ever removed from physical contact fouls.
“Deliberate trick”
“Deliberate save”
In both these, cases I think this is tautology. How can you have a non-deliberate trick or save. Poor wording IMHO. Doesn’t add anything.
It’s handball where deliberate non-deliberate is a fundamental flaw in application/interpretation of the laws - and re-introducing this deliberate idea - especially around red card offences and penalties - game changing moments - is daft from the law makers.
Law givers!
And hopefully it goes without saying, AFAIK the other law where we really have to judge (deliberate!) deliberate is the back pass law. Which is just sooo stupid. Thankfully very very rarely comes up but this is a very stupid law that should be fixed, deliberate removed, for everyone’s sanity. It is insane that a defender can leave a pass, the GK can pick it up, and there will be a riot!
So, on this one, I disagree