The Ref Stop

L'arbitre Blog - Week 13

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End of Week 12 brought a few difficult long-term decisions. I had the choice to make a decision that would help my referee career when looking at job opportunities but despite how much I love it, it isn’t a priority in that decision. It’s my favourite hobby but it’s just that; a hobby. Interesting to see how this will affect the long-run.

I still have no clue what I’m doing during the main part of the season and if I will be missing the main part of it.


Fitness test preparation has stalled. I haven’t run since… Well I can’t remember. I need to check my Garmin Connect. February 28th. Last month! Still refereeing but nothing that is maintaining or improving fitness. Hope this student lifestyle isn’t killing it all.

I just finished my annual registration payment and registered for the first possible fitness test. Hard not to look forward to an outdoor season even if I am not necessarily around for the first part of it.

Did a run on the 28th of this month as well with a 4.8 training effect.

RA Meeting

The monthly meeting was in the past week. There will be a post on the discussion there since there was some controversy discussion about a video.

I learnt a neat technique with the substitution signal for assistant referees. Be sure to keep the handle portion of the flag directly above your head so the flag doesn’t flap in your face. I guess it depends on how long your arms are!

Futsal Goalkeeping

Another game to play this week in the first playoff round which we lost (spoiler alert). I felt my goalkeeping has improved much better than when I had started. I am better able to anticipate and dive in the right direction. Wearing track pants has helped and so has the addition of sweatbands on my forearm.

I served as the goalkeeper for the team during Saturday practice and took quite a hammering. It was a lot of fun during the 3-on-3 counter-attack drill since I was able to defend against some of the best players in the league and keep lots of shots out but when it came to shooting practice, I had to step out after a few dozen consecutive shots hammered at me. I felt my left index finger bone slightly displaced in the middle so I quickly stepped out and iced it. Didn’t hurt but there was plenty of discomfort. Better now.

The track pants have been padding the dives to the ground for saves but not enough. Will need to invest in some good knee pads, shin pads as well as tape for the fingers. Definitely can’t take anymore of those shots without re-enforcement. Left knee and right elbow have been sore all week. I think my right elbow is displaced. Been uncomfortable when extended all week.


My Arabic course required an oral presentation on a topic of choice. My topic was what I do in my spare time. Now I wonder what I can write about…

More late night work otherwise.

Plenty of organisation, logistics, phone calls & e-mails this past week with the Futsal Nationals team including reviewing home/away kits and talking to suppliers. Plenty more to come in the coming weeks.


A lot of the snow has melted so it’s wet everywhere and massive puddles/ponds. The Canadian geese are back.


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The Ref Stop