The Ref Stop

Is it just me or...

The Ref Stop
They're assistants, not linesmen.

I've not seen MOTD from tonight, but from the drivel I'm reading on Twitter, seems that it's just bias fans thinking their team is being hard done by.

Out of interest, who's your team?
Im with @Callum Everatt, I couldnt tell you any off the top of my head, but the "Is He Onside or Offside" graphic has been used a LOT in the MOTD Analysis recently - and theres been a lot of "Oh, as we can clearly see, he was wrong to give offside/onside"

Nothing as contentious as the Song/WHU goal, but just clear cut "when the ball is struck" sort of offside/onside stuff.

I did notice in one of the games on MOTD (where I now spend more time watching refs/NARs then I do football) is that one the NARs *really* struggled to keep up with play.

Yes, they wont have a burst sprint better than most wingers in the Prem, but I noticed a few times where the ball was played and their 'sprint' was really quite timid and meant they were a good 5-10 yards behind play.
I don't think there have been any more mistakes by assistants than any other period to be honest.

Bear in mind we're currently in a period where every team is playing every 2 or 3 days therefore a lot more games and a lot more decisions to make.

Interesting that the point comes from a Spurs fan who benefited from a Utd goal being (correctly) ruled out for offside yesterday!

I must say though the likes of MOTD etc with their 'pundits' sat in a nice warm studio reviewing videos 5 or 6 times in slow-mo from 4 different angles are really not helping the game.

Anybody can do that and be critical, but as we all know AR's get one view in real time at whatever position they are at the time, usually a good 35 yards from the player in question.

Why doesn't MOTD have a retired ref on to explain some of the decision making and talking points from the refs point of view? Would surely be invaluable for the general public?
Absolutely not like Hackett!

Poll loves the cameras, he talks some sense, Webb would be the obvious choice but I think he's a bit over qualified and probably too wise to do it.

Would need to be somebody who had recently ish retired and was well respected when they were active.

Suppose Poll fits that bill best if Howard Webb wasn't fussed.
This is why I rarely listen to the pundits on MOTD. When they see a decision 6 times from 8 different angles and in slow motion to say its a "disgusting" decision by the officials and half the time they don't even understand the law fully! I always say if you are going to criticise a referee, do it after seeing the incident once in real time and from the angle which they have seen it from!

Although I would like to see shearer thrown in to referee the Manchester derby and then to go back to MOTD :)
Who are these pundits being spoken off? Oh, are they the people sat in the studio, that I see but don't hear whilst fast-forwarding between games? As above, if they had someone on who both knows _and understands_ the LotG, we might get to listen to some sensible discussion about key incidents. Until that point, FFWD is your friend.
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