Interesting but "good" in a funny sort of way!


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Under 16s County Cup - 5 yellows, 2 reds couple of mass confrontations, but in a funny way, actually enjoyed it and didn't feel I "lost control" at any time.

But as ever, we alwasy think was there anything i could have done better - let me know what you think

Quick resume - No bad challenges, but nearly every foul after 1st 15', met with a "challenge/query" to me or oppo. Started issuing verbal warnings, on the go and then public, increasing in severity.

After one challenge - careless, nothing more. Handbags confrontation - pulled two main protagonists aside issued yellow cards to each. "Atmosphere" continued, so pulled 2 captains aside for a "chat" - usual thing - you manage the players or I will with cards.

2nd minute of added time after another foul challenge - again only careless, player who has been fouled gets up and "slaps" oppo in face - red card.

Before start of 2nd half I said to both managers and captains that "managing the game" with you clearly hasn't worked, so no more warnings, I'm now managing the game with cards.

For 1st 25' of 2nd half that worked OK but soon the "displeasure" at challenges, foul or not began to increase.

At one point, to his credit, one of the coaches told his players to "grow up" and get on with the game after a batch of firm but fair challenges they started moaning about.

Then came 2nd red ( 2 yellows) - firstly player called me a "F****ing idiot" yellow for that (Could have been a red I accept), 5 mins later same player said "You really don't know what you're doing do you?" 2nd yellow for that.

Yellow cards rounded off with a late trip. no chance of playing the ball.

Parent of 2nd red card told me he had the match "on video" and he was "sending it to the FA"!

Both coaches and parents (with that one exception) were very supportive and said I had a good game.

Despite all that, AND getting the ball in the face (small cut as well!) I actually enjoyed it - strange bunch aren't we?!

Thoughts on anything I could have done differently?

A&H International
Parent of 2nd red card told me he had the match "on video" and he was "sending it to the FA"!

Always, give them an e-mail address and ask them for a copy.... ;)

Secondly, if you want to wind them up "Did you get clearance to video the match, as it involves under 16's, so they are Child welfare issues involved. I trust you cleared your action with the Child Welfare Officer of both clubs"..... Complete b*****ks, but would wind them and worry them :D
Always, give them an e-mail address and ask them for a copy.... ;)

Secondly, if you want to wind them up "Did you get clearance to video the match, as it involves under 16's, so they are Child welfare issues involved. I trust you cleared your action with the Child Welfare Officer of both clubs"..... Complete b*****ks, but would wind them and worry them :D

Yes was very tempted. In the end I had to say to him "I've enough reports to write already (not technically true I know!) so don't mind adding you to them if you carry on. He mumbled "wasn't talking to you" before wandering off (to edit his video no doubt!;))
Player that calls me a f****** idiot will be walking............

My only defence is context Mike - it was said behind my back & (sort of) to himself, but as I said in op, can't argue with your view, could easily have sold a straight red.

Manager (and parent) did come looking for an explanation of the 2 yellows (both were administered on far side of fop to them) and once I told them what the first one was for the manager (if not the parent!) accepted it.

Minty - Yes agree, its always easier to referee the match a few hours after its finished isn't it!;)