The Ref Stop

Indirect free kick on edge of goal area


Well-Known Member
Penalised a back pass when GK picked it up inside their goal area.

We now have a ceremonial IFK on edge of the goal area very central.

We covered this recently somewhere on forum of difficulty of stopping encroachment when starting point is 6 yards away.

So, I thought, set the defenders & GK on the goal line between the posts, tell them "both feet must be on the line, they cannot move until the ball is played, are you all already?"

Crucial bit, I did not restart with a whistle, so the charging defenders only moved when the ball was played, not early on a whistle.

May not technically be correct in law? At no stage did I say we'll restart on my whistle but "when I'm ready", but worked a treat.

PS. Goal was scored with no encroachment. :)
The Ref Stop
Torn on this. It worked for you so job well done. But note sure what you mean by technically not correct. It is an error in law. You delayed the free kick to set up the wall on the goal line. This mean you were incorrect in law not to whistle for the restart.

The whistle is needed to:
• restart play for:
• free kicks when the appropriate distance is required
I don’t think I’ve ever had one of these. (I know I just cursed myself for my next game . . . ) I’d use basically the same thing I use at PKs “the whistle is for the kicker, not defenders, you need to stay on the line until the ball is kicked.” And I’d probably add “you don’t want to come off early and let them have a second chance to do this.” I would never do it without the whistle—the defense is entitled to know that the kicker is now allowed to go.
I thought a ceremonial was played to the whistle?
You are correct—as @one posted above.

(Historical note. Until relatively recently, the Laws said “signal,” which didn’t necessarily mean a whistle . That gave the R a bit of extra latitude to consider something he had done a “signal” if the attackers jumped the gun and made nothing of it.)