In or Out?

Should the UK remain in, or leave, the European Union

  • Remain

  • Leave

  • Undecided

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Next you'll be telling me the holocaust didn't happen either......

You really are a charmless hate filled little boy aren't you?

While not delivered with the upmost decorum, I think his point is valid.

These thinks happened decades or hundreds of years before we were even born. We nor our parents nor grandparents nor great grandparents were active participants or supporters of it at the time.

It happened, it was wrong, accept it, move on.

Nothing more annoying than somebody being hurt or upset on behalf of someone else. Bullshit.

Just a reality check though - this vote is whether we're in or out of the EU Parliament and Common Market - not whether we bring back the slave trade, any sort of racial inequality, the potato famine it the holocaust. :cool:
A&H International
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