

New Member
Just a quick question for you guys:
When you referee, what is the one thing you would like to improve or change about your performance ie fitness? Match control?
Personally I occasionally have the really bad habit where when there is a borderline foul or no foul, sometimes I put my whistle to my lips and then decide to not give the FK. I know this is really bad because it makes me look unclear and unconfident, but admitting our flaws makes us better referee!:)
Merry Christmas and good luck for the rest of the season.
A&H International
I do the whistle twitch on occasion. If a player mentions it I ask "did you hear a whistle?" And when they say no, remind them that it only counts if I actually blow, not just move it towards my lips!

Its anticipation, I have accepted it will happen from time to time.

Last season I had a problem with fitness, wasn't really bad but needed to be better. I ran my bum off over the summer and it has made a massive difference to my refereeing.

Positioning is probably my current niggle. Something I need to concentrate on during games
Positioning bugs me, but refereeing at the age I do, anticipating play is pretty tricky but hopefully it will come with experience
Being a new ref, and used to playing level 4 standard of football, and now reffing level 7, I find myself justifying my decisions to players, knowing I'm 100% right (well most of the time) I then find my self in discussions / arguments with players about the decision I've just given or not given, next thing I know I'm 50 yards away from the ball/play. Must learn to go a bit deaf sometimes and not get involved to much!! Think that'll be an easy enough thing to do tbh, to lose about 4 stone will be a lot harder!!
But if players am gonna keep bothering you and your trying to concentrate on the game then resort to the cards dissent at the moment is a lot better for me thou as you have to know frustration and when they are showing dissent so if they are running at you then card them but it also counts if they are annoying
Yeah I agree mate, but what I'm saying is I need to improve on my own game by not biting back as I feel this just adds fuel to the fire, if you get what I mean, perhaps if I was less "busy" then perhaps I wouldn't find myself in these situations. It's all about improvement at the end of the day and every title thing helps
Right to explain to a player it should only take a few seconds then you need to forget about it
It's a balancing act svenny... Certainly done what you describe. Also flirted with just carding people. Feels harsh and not like your doing your job properly, although it is effective at times. As you correctly identified secret option 3 is the best option! Say your piece, move on, if a player really won't let you move on, revert to Craig's option 2!
I sometimes find myself 'getting into discussions' with players, especially when waitig for the ball to come baqck from over the fence etc. Before you know it, balls in play and you're still explaining the 'Careless/Reckless/Ecxcessive' decision.

I find a solid 'That's what I saw, that's why I gave it' while looking them in the eye tends to work. Either that or put my hand in my pocket, check the card is still there.
amusingly ... or embarrassingly, depending on your perspective, i recently found myself watching two subs kicking a ball to one another on the touch line rather than watching the match ball which was twenty yards behind me......don't ask!