The Ref Stop

Iber Cup 2014 - A Brief Account


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Iber Cup Document

If possible guys could you give me some feedback on this? Myself and @Aled put together an account of our time at the Iber cup 2014 :). Apologies as it is on google docs because I am using a Chromebook! :poop:
The Ref Stop
It sounds like you've had a good time mate. Each day seemed packed with not much rest in between. How long were the matches on average?

One piece of advice, you focused quite a lot on the card count (very age old debate I know ;) ) but it would/could be more beneficial to the reader and probably yourself (looking back in reflection of your time at the tournament) if you wrote about how you handled the situations and what you could've done to avoid the cautions with most players not speaking English and whether you/aled could've done anything different. But this is me being picky. It makes for great reading though.

Did you have to change the way that you referee for the tournament? Not so much communication but more what is a foul and what isn't? Did the players expect different levels of foulness? (Not a real word in this context I know :) )
I see what you mean about the 'card count' & will try change it! & Yes, some of the teams were not pleased with my refereeing style. The reason for this is in England we apparently see stronger challenges than other European countries like Portugal so for them my style was at first very lenient and managers were not happy with this so I had to learn to adapt it to the teams playing so two teams from Portugal would force me to decrease my tolerance level.

Matches were 20 mins at U9-12 and 25 at U13+
Looks like it was an amazing experience Josh, I am thinking of going next year, do you have to pay for everything?
Looks like it was an amazing experience Josh, I am thinking of going next year, do you have to pay for everything?

Pay for flights and registration fee.
Food and accommodation included.
Sounds like you had a really great time Josh! Really enjoyed reading it! Seems like you managed to referee each game really well! Keep it up! :cool:
Cheers, Really enjoyed it! Managers in a friendly have said they've seen a huge change in my style since I returned from Portugal!

Sounds like you had a really great time Josh! Really enjoyed reading it! Seems like you managed to referee each game really well! Keep it up! :cool:
Did i read it correctly?

You were issuing cautions to u9's because of a language barrier?

No, Cards were issued to U9's because they knew the rules almost as well as myself and @Aled. Managers expected us to enforce the laws exactly as we would with say U14 and that is what we did!

Also on a further note what would be the point telling a player no more if they have no clue what you are saying?
Did i read it correctly?

You were issuing cautions to u9's because of a language barrier?

No not really. As Josh said, the players knew the laws just as well as us refs do an expect you to issue cautions at all levels, even the tournament organizers told his they were to be used and will even when they do speak English use correct terminology. I had a player shout, 'yellow ref, yellow! Reckless tackle!'. I just laughed and told him not to go asking for cards.
No not really. As Josh said, the players knew the laws just as well as us refs do an expect you to issue cautions at all levels, even the tournament organizers told his they were to be used and will even when they do speak English use correct terminology. I had a player shout, 'yellow ref, yellow! Reckless tackle!'. I just laughed and told him not to go asking for cards.


Must be an inspirational tournament that encourages cautioning and dismissing U9 players!

Must be a continental thing.......supremely ridiculous if you ask me. 8 yr old players are not going to learn anything by being carded and the fact that a player was reduced to tears by a card just emphasises how wrong that approach is.
The fact that you describe your achievement of making a player cry after cautioning them, as having an "excellent" game is just a little disturbing.
I'm not arguing, it's not an achievement making a player cry and if you read it as that then you're wrong. FYI I wrote that bit and no one else read it like you have.
I'm going to agree to disagree on the card front, it's been discussed millions of times on here and I'm not restarting it as I don't fancy a ban for it.
End of story.
Nothing to do with cards.....all about child welfare.

Maybe it's because i am a Club Welfare Officer, as well as Club Chairman and a referee, that i see this from a different perspective.

If you have reduced an 8 yr old child to tears with your management of the game, there is something that has gone wrong. No child should be left in tears by our management of a game at that age group, regardless of whether cards were used or not.

I had what I am told was another excellent game, managing to make a player cry after issuing a yellow card for a rather blatant bit of simulation.

Sorry if i have done you an injustice but that reads as though you had a certain amount of satisfaction over reducing the child to tears?

I would be horrified to see u9's being refereed in this manner in the UK.
OK fair enough, it was actually an U10 and if you'd have seen the dive it was comical. Even the manager said when the player dived "That's gonna be a yellow card".
I watched a ref who wouldn't caution and he lost total control of the game and it went pear shaped! You had proper full blooded 2 footers and elbows everywhere and still no cards given... Ref was dropped after that game.
And Josh had no satisfaction giving a yellow card out to an U10, no one should get a feeling of satisfaction of giving a card out ever
I get Absolute Nil in terms of satisfaction of giving out cards, in fact to a certain extent i can see where you are coming from Padfoot. Yes U9 and 10 in the UK are still learning but these were not! They were playing as if they were U13! The managers expected us to enforce the Laws FULLY Inc. cards and that is what we did!
Nothing to do with cards.....all about child welfare.

Maybe it's because i am a Club Welfare Officer, as well as Club Chairman and a referee, that i see this from a different perspective.

If you have reduced an 8 yr old child to tears with your management of the game, there is something that has gone wrong. No child should be left in tears by our management of a game at that age group, regardless of whether cards were used or not.

Sorry if i have done you an injustice but that reads as though you had a certain amount of satisfaction over reducing the child to tears?

I would be horrified to see u9's being refereed in this manner in the UK.
To be honest padfoot, they obviously understand the game enough to get involved in simulation. Some players are crafty at younger age groups nowadays, they foul like normal adults and then try to hide behind their age. They both did the right thing in issuing the cautions especially after being told to.
And I think it will have an effect. I don't think that 9 year old will simulate again if he gets caught doing it at a younger age. And, I know this isn't nice for the child, but if he is reduced to tears, in no way is it a good thing in any positive manner, but the fact that I think he definitely will respect referees more and not commit the same offence. If you are taught something earlier in life and get scared of it, you earn a respect for whatever that thing may be (if that makes sense).