How's everyone coping?


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Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
With no football?

Personally, I'm that busy with work that I haven't thought about it. That and the fact that I'm waiting for an MRI scan on my knee

How you all doing without football?
A&H International
I'm not.. I've been busy planning a summer of tournaments both here and abroad plus sorting leagues to referee in next year. It is keeping me busy as is the process of buying another spare shirt.
Can't wait until friendlies come around though, I am going away mid-July to ref, I need a few games before then!
Called in yesterday on a new referees course to see the guys I will be mentoring through their first season, collared the CTO and asked if I had any work coming up on the promotion seminars (yes was the answer), agreed to do one new refs course in a fortnight and possibly a second in late August, Sunday League AGM on Tuesday ... did seomeone say this was our quiet period???
Brian, what leagues do you operate on under WRCFA? I could do with some help getting some uni/youth games this season when I come back up to Leeds for the new year of uni..
I'm retired now through recurring injury so just operate as a Tutor, Assessor (Supply and Promotion), District FA and Sunday League Council member now. If you need games there's plenty to choose from. If you want Youth football then I recommend the Huddersfield RCD league which I think spans U7 to U18 or the Garforth League who provide U9 to U15 (in fact my next course in a fortnight is to train referees for the newly formed U15 tier). University football can be found through University of Leeds who operate in BUSC. Leeds Met have just resigned from the Northern Counties East League so I'm not sure what their plans are. If you need more info, then let me know
Well i'm at Leeds Met so I can't do their first team in BUCS, but am I right in thinking I could do Leeds Uni 1sts? If you act as an assessor, is there any way you could come and watch me and give me some feedback during the season; I would like to apply for Level 4 in January for March 12-13 and any kind of feedback that I can get is much appreciated.
Nothing to stop you giving them a call. My first Open age experience was refereeing games for University games at Weetwood. Regarding assessing I am pretty busy having completed nearly 60 assessments last season. What I could do is pop along when I get my first free Saturday rather than leaving it open for backwords. If you let me know your fixtures, I'll see what I can do. Best to avoid August-October though as I usually pick up a District assessment for a promotion assessment :)
Will do, hopefully I could do their first team as it is better than lining for Met first team for this season, however next year in my promotion season those lines will serve me well! That is fine, i'm not expecting a full blown assessment, just a watch and a few pointers. I will PM you my fixtures as and when I know them come the start of the season and leave it open to when you can come.
Game next Saturday - then off to Barcelona early the next morning for the Copa Catalunya, then a week and a bit of rest until Norway Cup.

Saturday after I get back from there I've got my first PSF middle (Colleges Level game between Worcester City and Bewdley Town) - then into the full pre-season routine.

Cash all tied up in Barcelona and Norway - much to my annoyance I spot that I can now buy a kit I've wanted for a year or so that I was told was going to be unavailable. Would have been nice to have gotten it in before then!
Send me your fixtures too Greg. I work up there, so will gladly pop over and take a look if I can
Okay Ross, sounds great mate. Again, as and when I get them i'll send them to you both! How often do you go up there?
Well I work there everyday, and most weekends mate. It's my 2nd home
Well funnily enough, I can call it my second home now too :D. I'll pass you along my fixtures, which will hopefully be a few this year and you can pop along whenever! Saying that, you could turn out to be my personal assessor if you're there every weekend :p
My season finished early due to ankle and achilles injuries.

The injuries healed.

At the end of a tournament I agreed to play in a Referees v Coaches 7-a-side bit of fun game... and aggravated said ankle injury.

Ankle injury healed.

Some blood-sucking parasite (the six-legged kind) bites me on the ankle three times. My ankle swells to the the size of a golf-ball. I still cannot run :'(
Sounds like your doing well Tealeaf! :( Fingers crossed that your back on your feet soon :D

Greg, send em over when you have them and ill see what i can do