Howard Webb


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Had a great evening the other night listening to Howard Webb speak for a couple of hours about his career, significant matches and his general thoughts on officiating.

One of the main points that stuck with me is the fact that he said, ''Telling your assistant referees that offsides are ' their's at all times', is one of the most out dated instructions around. The information required by assistants from the referee is often crucial to getting the decision correct.''

For example, who last touched the ball, whether someone interfered with play or not. The referee is often closer to this than the assistant. Admittedly it was said that this was aided massively by the new communications system. He said that he used to '' talk his way through an attack, with his assistant as it was unfolding. eg Blue touch, Red touch, deflection red''

It was fascinating to listen to
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