The Ref Stop

how to input Cards for JPL leauge, on whole game


New Member
Level 7 Referee
hello, does anyone know how i put in cards for a junior premier leauge game. i cant seem to find any leauge infomation about any Jpl leauges. and cant find them on the whole game system either to input cards. any help would be great
The Ref Stop
@a_lightning (forgot to reply, so will @ you so u see) On whole game click league and cups then type in Junior Premier and it should come up, I’ve attached a picture of what I done to get it up for your referenceIMG_4188.png
One of the reasons I stopped doing JPL games. Could find the league but not all the teams were there and ran into a brick wall with county FA when trying to administer match offences
One of the reasons I stopped doing JPL games. Could find the league but not all the teams were there and ran into a brick wall with county FA when trying to administer match offences
yeah it dosent seem right not to have them listed as then cards just become pointless
Your best bet is to email the relevant County FA discipline department explaining you can’t find the details on the Whole Game System. They’ll advise the next steps.

For a while we could still use the Excel forms to report and email to the CFA responsible but not sure these are accepted any more.
Your best bet is to email the relevant County FA discipline department explaining you can’t find the details on the Whole Game System. They’ll advise the next steps.

For a while we could still use the Excel forms to report and email to the CFA responsible but not sure these are accepted any more.
Exactly this, the key thing is that you do something. If you've tried to complete the report but have failed due to technology, and then flag that up by email to the CFA discipline department, there cannot be any come back on you.