How many games a week?

How many games can I as a referee do per week without my performance dropping? Towards the end of last season, I was refereeing almost 6 games a week plus small sided football. There was only once or maybe two days in a week where I wasn’t refereeing in some form. At the start of the week my fitness and concentration was good, but as the week progressed I found it got worse and worse, as did my decision making. I’ve come home feeling quite guilty and disappointed in myself after a bad game, and it happens quite often - I’m now a level 6 referee and am still making silly mistakes, it makes me feel bad when I’m considering applying to br promoted again next season. How many games should I be refereeing a week, how many days rest should I have between games, and what can I do to boost (or even maintain) a decent level of concentration during matches when tired so I can avoid making mistakes and come home happy with myself.
A&H International
Each person will have different levels of fitness and be capable of different amounts but I’ve found in the past that any more than 2 middles and my enthusiasm for football drops.

Fitness-wise I could probably manager 3-4 games in a 7 day period but my tolerance, patience and enjoyment would reduce dramatically in the 3rd and 4th game.

I don’t feel this would be fair on the clubs that’d be paying a fee for a referee who didn’t want to be there!
There's no right and wrong answer and will differ per person. If I did 6 games in a week I wouldn't be able to walk for the next week, let alone referee, whereas 10 years ago I often did three games in a weekend and 5 or 6 over the course of the week.

Concentration issues generally come in when doing two or more games in a day.
That's a such a personal question no one here could give you an answer.
Age, physiology, exercise tolerance all are individual characteristics.
I reckon I could referee 4 or 5 games a week physically but as both Rusty and Will have pointed out whilst it might be physically possible I don't think mentally it's a good idea.
It also depends on the game, 2 youth games could be the equivalent of one adult game with extra time so there are a lot of variables in the answer you are seeking.
There's no right and wrong answer and will differ per person. If I did 6 games in a week I wouldn't be able to walk for the next week, let alone referee, whereas 10 years ago I often did three games in a weekend and 5 or 6 over the course of the week.

Concentration issues generally come in when doing two or more games in a day.
Thanks for your reply, if you were set to do two games in the same day, what precautions would you take to remain as concentrated as possible?
Thanks for your reply, if you were set to do two games in the same day, what precautions would you take to remain as concentrated as possible?
Not really sure there is anything you can do. You'd hope the first game was easy and not mentally draining, but the bottom line is refereeing for over 3 hours probably is going to test your concentration and focus.
Varies massively depending on the level. For bigger games, even on the line, with an hour before, travel either side, 3 of those a week max before the locks are changed at home. And the novelty wears off as in the OP. Lower level, local grassroots, no problem doing 5 match days, some with a 90 minute game followed by a small side game, or if one or two of the evenings are 2x 70 min grassroots games.
Thanks for your reply, if you were set to do two games in the same day, what precautions would you take to remain as concentrated as possible?
To ref two serious adult 90 min games back to back is a risk. Fitness might not be a problem (again, depending on the level) but concentration might be. The risk is in the mental side - deep into the second game, I have found it really hard - and if the first game is a hard one, then of course it's going to affect your performance in the second. At least, where I am, even with a referee shortage, no one is scheduled back to back 90 minute whistles. On multi game evenings, it'll be a whistle plus a flag, or a real whistle plus a small sided junior game.
Various on fitness, skill level, weather, if you fought with the mrs that morning,
stay hydrated helps
when i have done three back to back,i lose interest, brain gives up