How is a ref paid in the US?

The Referee Store
It varies. Some pay at pitchside pre-game, others pay in a batch. It's best to speak with your SRC (State Referee Committee) and your assignor(s) to find out the specific practices for each league/competition.
I know I'm a little late, but it don't hurt.
For grassroots games, which is basically Grade 8's, 7's and the occasional 6 and 5, the refs are paid on-site, or sometimes the system they use is called RefPay. Refs such as myself don't like RefPay though. The one good thing about being a paid official is that you don't get taxed on the income. With RefPay, there IS tax, so we lose money when leagues use RefPay.
I know I'm a little late, but it don't hurt.
For grassroots games, which is basically Grade 8's, 7's and the occasional 6 and 5, the refs are paid on-site, or sometimes the system they use is called RefPay. Refs such as myself don't like RefPay though. The one good thing about being a paid official is that you don't get taxed on the income. With RefPay, there IS tax, so we lose money when leagues use RefPay.

Let me correct that statement (speaking as a referee who is also a tax professional). RefPay reports match payments annually to the IRS (our version of HMRC / Inland Revenue), whereas many other payments are not reported directly to the IRS and the onus is on the referee to report them. But the payments are certainly taxable income in either case. There is a legal risk, slight though it may be in many cases, to not reporting the income on your tax return.
