How far to run the 'diagonal'


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Accepting that it's not actually a 'diagonal', more a lazy 'S'...

I had an incident in yesterday's game where the ball was close to the goal line, such that defence screamed "It's out, ref!!". I could not see as I was not far enough into the corner to see the line and the ball, I was about on the apex of the penalty area. The CAR could not see as it was the side of the pitch obscured by players, goal, nets etc.
Got me thinking, when the ball is near the goal line, how 'close ' to the goal line do you get?? Right into the corner?? I have used the excuse that a quick break and I am a long way behind play if I am too close to the corner, but I think I am just being lazy!!
Any thoughts would be welcome.
A&H International
I'd suggest that if it's a situation where you can see in advance that there might be a tight on/off decision to be made then do your damndest to get in a credible position. If that means a sprint there and then a sprint back, so be it

However, the majority of these situations are less predictable and without NARs there will tend to be an element of 'judgement' involved (hopefully not just who screams the loudest!)
Yes, a quick burst of speed is needed in these situations. Obviously neutrals would be up with play if you are luckily enough to have them or If you have a decent CAR(there are a few about!:D)then i would go with them if they are up with the play. If all the above fails-golden rule as we all know is give what you see.
The answer that I kept getting at that stage in my career was "as far as you need to see the play."
Sound advice, I have a tough game Saturday and fitness levels are good at the moment. No excuse for copping out and not getting right in there with the play.