The Ref Stop

How do new referees get games assigned to them? Is there a structure?


Active Member
Hi. I just wanted to ask how all you referees in the UK get games assigned to them? Is there a structure so you know what to expect? How many days notice do you normally get?
The Ref Stop
Depends on the area and league. My Saturday mens league published everyones fixtures monthly. Sunday boys league was eventually on their website 2/3 weeks in advance.

Always last minute changes too
Varies from comp to comp.

I have whole season's appts for the Womens games and local teams's academy matches.

Isthmian U18s/U23s are issued monthly about the middle of preceding month.

Local youth league issues appointments weekly 6 days before match plus there are numerous request for official's that pop up every week or emails/texts from refs' appointments officers.

County Cup and FA appts (at my level) are normally about 10 days notice.

In summary - it varies a lot!
Varies from comp to comp.

I have whole season's appts for the Womens games and local teams's academy matches.

Isthmian U18s/U23s are issued monthly about the middle of preceding month.

Local youth league issues appointments weekly 6 days before match plus there are numerous request for official's that pop up every week or emails/texts from refs' appointments officers.

County Cup and FA appts (at my level) are normally about 10 days notice.

In summary - it varies a lot!
Is it unusual for a league to consistently appoint you a match 2 days before the match or is this okay and acceptable?
Our CFA says to keep the weekend date open until the Thursday before. If, by then you don't have a game, then you can close the date and 'go out with friends'.
I appoint to a local Supply League. Generally I try to appoint as far forward as I can. I have late changes and will appoint late if I need to cover those games. I issue a weekly email which covers games for the following 14 days. If you are a new referee, you may not be very high up the list of prospective appointees, so you may be one of the last appointed as a replacement.

Also, when you say "regularly", do you mean it has happened in 8 out of the last 10 weeks or that it has happened 2 weeks in succession?
I appoint to a local Supply League. Generally I try to appoint as far forward as I can. I have late changes and will appoint late if I need to cover those games. I issue a weekly email which covers games for the following 14 days. If you are a new referee, you may not be very high up the list of prospective appointees, so you may be one of the last appointed as a replacement.

Also, when you say "regularly", do you mean it has happened in 8 out of the last 10 weeks or that it has happened 2 weeks in succession?
Hasn’t happened. Was just curious as to what length of notice is normal when emailing out appointments according to the view of all the refs out there. You guys have definitely covered that in your answers. Thanks
The York League tends to publish its appointments for the following Saturday on the preceding Sunday (even though they are made in draft earlier). This allows maximum time to check for availability.

Each league will have its own system - the more senior the league, the more they will have fixed policies. Grassroots football takes what is available.