The Ref Stop

How do I approach tonight's match?


New Member
Managed to pick up an U13s promotion play-off match line for a local league tonight. Without wanting to seem to far up myself, it's the sort of match that's a bit below my ability as a referee now, but it needed covering so I thought why not.

The issue is, the referees that typically do these sorts of games here in Scotland are ones that aren't active at all in terms of keeping up with the LOTG, and are usually a strong case of being 'last weeks ref'. As such, I'm not expecting any degree of professionalism from either the ref or the other lino; there probably won't be a pre-match briefing from the ref or sufficient warm-up. Having watched some of these games before, you often see the lino about 5 yards behind play, flag in the wrong hand and just generally not displaying good refereeing practice.

Do I just focus on making sure that I do my job correctly, focus on myself and leave the other 2 to their own devices? Or from the outset should I be encouraging the ref to go through a pre-match talk, and trying to encourage them to do the sorts of things that you'd expect of a professional team?
The Ref Stop
I'd largely leave them alone because technically, the ref is in charge. However, you could subtly prompt them, "What do you expect of me ref?", "When are we going to go and warm up?"....... That last question, if he looks like he feels you are pushing him, say that it is part of your routine to help you have a good game. However, largely just focus on your game and make sure you do as well as possible. You cannot get told off for others not doing their job unless you are in charge of them
That's along the lines of what I was thinking Will. No point in continually pushing the ref to do something he either isn't going to do or doesn't want to do. It just annoys me seeing others not taking their role as seriously as they should.
do you know what levels they are?

If they are below you and young still then maybe you could give them a bit of 'level 5' encouragement and guidance, maybe ask the ref if he has been a middle on a team of 3 before? could find that he hasn't, and would love a bit of a gentle push and advice from a more experienced ref?

just trying to look from my point of view if I were a younger less levelled ref - id maybe like a gentle nudge in the right direction ... id probably even ask you to do a 'pre match' as if you were ref so I could actually see how its done? (thinking if the ref has NEVER been a 3 before, unlikely)

but overall, id be very nice, maybe overly nice to everyone and nail your job
I was actually thinking of perhaps offering to give a pre-match for the referee if it's not something he's used to. I'll be as encouraging as I can be and hopefully guide them in the right direction. I'm not expecting perfection of course, just effort :)
Without wanting to seem to far up myself

Do you know/have experience of the other members of the refereeing team or are you making generalisations about those who give their time to referee at U13 level. U13 is competitive in Scotland so for a play off it seems reasonable that the match secretary might appoint some of the more reliable referees from the list (yourself included).
I don't know them personally no, but they are part of my refereeing association. I know that they never attend weekly training or our monthly meetings, and don't attend regional training days. I've also seen U13 play off and cup games for this league before, and the referees have always been what I described above.

I wasn't appointed to the game by the secretary as I don't do games for that league, I was helping out as cover for another ref who had to cancel at short notice.
Except perhaps @jofusref post was out-dated? I think what Edward is saying is that he is going to a match where he will be a NAR, with a lot more experience than the chap in the middle and the other NAR. Should he be a good ref and just do as he's told, or should he proffer constructive advice. My view - the latter. Exactly as I have done recently (and the more distant past), when being a NAR for a youth final with a 16 year old ref (whose first time it was with NAR's, let alone the "grandeur of the occasion").

@Edward - as long as the advice is offered in a sympathetic, constructive way - go for it. But politely establish the experience of the other officials first...
Bit of a mixed bag really. There was a pre-match (albeit quite limited but sufficient enough to cover the main points) which I was happy with, but the other 2 weren't interested in going for a warm-up so I just went for one myself, which I thought looked quite un-professional.
I helped out friends who were appointed as refs on local junior finals a few years back as no one would line only to be accused at the leagues AGM of only being available for finals! All for £5! At least the kids enjoyed the day but never again.

In your situation I just ask / clarify what the ref wants me to do. Basically draw his instructions out of him without sounding condescending.