How did you decide to be a ref?

Philip Burrows

Level 7 Referee
How did you all decide to be a referee? Was their something that happened whilst watching a game? Or any other reasons
A&H International
For me it was a love of the game but not being able to play it (even sunday morning football). I also thought i was generally quite fit, until the first couple of games. It has gotten me fitter but that's all helping me to improve on being the best referee I can be.

What about yourself Philip?
How come you couldn't play?

Much for the same reasons. I couldn't play any more because of a knee injury (Fully recovered now touchwood).
I have many reasons to be honest. One reason was because from an early age I would watch games and watch what the referee was doing, where he was standing, his body language and how he seemed to have the respect of the players (sometimes) and how even if players were surrounding them they would just calmly deal with the current situation. Something about it seemed to seem so interesting. Especially watching Pierluigi collina and how he controlled everything.
I'm ashamed to say I let things get in the way of my refereeing though. Wanting to spend my nights drinking. Meeting girls.
However now I'm in a long term relationship and never go out drinking any more, so I can focus on doing what I've wanted to do for years and become a top referee. Highly unlikely I know but we have to aim high in life.
This might sound a bit weird, but this is how I got my first thought of becoming a referee!

I was playing football at school, not a proper match, just like a kick about during a break (but it was a match). The match got really out of hand, and became unenjoyable, because people were doing stupid things like punching the ball etc when I just wanted to play some football. So, that evening, I asked my dad how you become a referee, and he said through the FA. From there, I researched it etc, and when I could I booked my refs course!

I do play football (ref sat play sun), but I would rather referee on both Saturdays and Sundays, because I know I'm not good enough to go anywhere playing football, but I am a good referee and enjoy it, which is why I have contacted a local academy, to see if I can referee there on a Sunday. I am going down to the academy once the easter break is over, so fingers crossed!
I was given the job of coaching one of our top u10s boys teams last season, and they had to have a qualified referee for their league games. While I couldn't referee them of course, I did want to get qualified at that level, so I could coach them better (see the game from the ref's point of view).

Couldn't find a course date I could attend, so went for the level above the required. During the course, I realised that his was a completely different game from the one I had played, watched and coached for 35 years!

The new 'outlook' to the game reinvigorated my love of the game, and pretty soon after that, I was dashing off after the boy's game, to go and run the line or referee a senior game locally.

Going for the next level this season, and working hard on my fitness..... :)

Not having a team to coach this year will make it easier to fit in, but my 7 year old daughter has decided she wants to play this season, so will still have Saturday mornings with juniors, Saturday afternoons with senior men and Sundays with women or youth football.

Don't know where I'll find the time to watch the Premier League, or play Football Manager 2013 this year!
After only a couple of years playing football, and coming to the end of my Youth League "career" I realised that I wan't going anywhere as a player. Not just that I wouldn't be a professional, but that my local team was the worst team in the worst league, and I would probably still just be a substitute. At the same time I happened to be thumbing through a directory of local community organisations, and saw the Referee's Association, gave them a call, and 2 days later I was running a line.